Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1581949-The-Otherside-Part-1
by Sumeet
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1581949
This is first entry for 14 days, 7 stories contest.
This is part 1 of the story for 14 Days, 7 stories contest.
Prompt #1 Bar, Hole, Chore.
Word count: 607

"So what do you think what was I doing there? Tell me.
I'm no pushover no matter what you think, I have my way of doing things and to understand that you need to raise the bar to a higher mental and spiritual standard.

This reality is fake but even the fake is no reality. Don't believe in "Karma" it has been propagated by the rich and the powerful, they want to prove that it's their karma because of which they are what they are, in short they want to say that they have done something good in previous lives and spare themselves from doing something good in this life hunh..

No one knows about the origin of this world though at any point of time there are at least a thousand charlatan who spread the lie that they know it and are respected for it. Why don't they tell us the origin of "D.B.Cooper"?
Our lives are in a hole! A hole from where there is no escape, we don't even know what all is inside it.
Do you know who is your neighbor.. okay you know, do you know who is his father?...

Okay granted!..

Now tell me do you know the brother of his father.. What?.. what are you mumbling?
You think you know about everything but you don't even know very simple things about your neighbor.
What you know actually equals to what you have read, which equals to the official version!

You know about "antarctica" and believe that it is there though neither have you ever gone to that place nor have you ever met someone who has been to that place but you believe that it is there, 'cause its official!

You cannot believe my words because they are unofficial hunhh...
Do talk to me when you are ready to believe me! "

Brett shuts his eyes and dissmisses the officers with a wave of his hand.

"So what do you think Tony" Gomes asks but the Tony is not listening, he is just staring at Brett.
"What if he is telling the truth" Tony asks, not really expecting any answer but Gomes answers
"He is telling what he believes is the truth but it's just hallucinations"
Tony looks at Gomes then again back to Brett, he can remember something. Its very hazy but it is there, he can recall a very hazy conversation between him and some body else but he cannot recall his identity, his face, his voice and even if it was he of she!

All he can recall "this reality is fake and that every one is in a hole".
Tony cannot tell this to any one , no one is going to believe him and even he cannot believe himself. Human brain is a strange place, if you force someone to remember something and apply the sustained pressure, that person can genuinely remember that thing. This is brain washing.
Tony is not sure if he can actually remember something or is it just that he is in pressure and anyways his neural cells are anyways very weak because of his drinking and are very susceptible for attack.

Gomes eaves "Bye, see you tomorrow!", Nelson waves him back and goes back to his thoughts trying to recall the conversation. He is slow and takes a lot of time to do a simple chore like dishwashing.
It's just Tony and Brett there and Tony thinks of leaving but not sure where to go.
He goes to Brett "err.. what were you saying Brett? Something related to a hole, life in a hole!"
Brett looks at him and smiles myteriously!
© Copyright 2009 Sumeet (sumeet at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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