Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1668947-Ship-Called-Destiny
Rated: E · Prose · Relationship · #1668947
My thoughts on destiny in regards to love & missing your moment to be with your soul mate.
                                                                                Ship Called Destiny
                                                                              by Brandon McClaskey

            Everything we do in life is, ultimately, done for that ONE person, is it not? There! The person that crossed your mind just then as you finished that sentence. You might be sleeping next to that person tonight. Or, you're probably like the other ninety eight percent of us who blinked and missed that moment, that opportunity, when we're supposed to grab the ever-turning wheel of this broke-down ship called Destiny and take control.
            The salesman lied when he sold it to you and told you that it comes equipped with an auto-pilot feature. It doesn't. So think about that the next time you feel like taking your hands off the wheel "for just a moment" to walk to the bow and enjoy the view.
            You just might crash into the Isle of Second Best and decide that it's much easier to just make a life for yourself there instead of making the much needed repairs to your ship and getting back on the right course...
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1668947-Ship-Called-Destiny