Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1703160-One-Endless-Night
Rated: 13+ · Other · Dark · #1703160
Who knows, goes insane.
Her body felt weak - from the day, from life itself. The body just fell right down on bed, crossing it in the wrong position. She didn't mind. She was too tired to care about little things. She wasn't even intending to move one single muscle. It was perfectly fine to sleep like that. Who could care she had no pillow under her head? And she needed no sheets either - the weather was so warm.

Actually, it wasn't an ordinary warmth. It was like the heat that emanates from a decomposition body. And it was. But it was until it was too late that she realized that was her own soul which was rotting and decomposing. And she still did not intended to move. She was indeed tired - from the day, from life itself.

She layed still while she felt bugs around coming near her. They appeared from walls, from under the bed, from behind the closet, from other divisions of the house. Even from outside - she saw the thin shine on the ceiling from the window grow wider. They knew it. These things feast on corpses. They are programed to sense them. They started gathering more and more, she never realized how many insects lived under her roof.

She still did not move away, she felt no fear. Not even while a couple of spiders were climbing her knee and some other indefinite worm came near her fingernail. It was only a matter of time until she felt them going inside her nose and ears. She closed her mouth, though. However, not in time to stop one from getting inside. She closed her eyes too. Maybe to sleep. Maybe for rest. She was tired, after all - from the day, from life itself. Only one single tear fell down her face and reached the bed.

The starved insects started to eat her flesh. Her putrid soul let the aroma out, filling the bedroom with the nauseating perfume, while the sheets got bloody and the worms got fat. The ones who got inside ate her from where they were. Finally, her consciousness began to abandon her. Living her, for once.

Even though, it seems as she saw it all. Her brutal rest. The lights were off, but she saw it incredibly bright and clearly.

Suddenly, she had no skin. Scarlet from blood, black from worms - these were the only colors on her body.

She was no longer a partially alive creature, she was a definitly dead one. She never more felt weak and tired - from any day, from life itself.
© Copyright 2010 Eva Duarte (eva.duarte at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1703160-One-Endless-Night