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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1711002
A good 5th date
The door bell rang making Anita jump, she wasn't quite ready. Grabbing the lighter she ran to the table, she clicked frantically till a flame licked out, hastily she lit the candles almost knocking on onto the table. Throwing the lighter on the side-table she ran to the mirror in the hall. The bell rang for a second time as she applied her lipstick.

She paused in front of the door, flicked out her hair and took a deep breath. With her nerves steadied she grasped the doorknob and opened it wide.

The couple of seconds of shocked silence told her she had made the right choice. Her black dress had a neck line that plunged almost to her navel. Its simple shape followed the curve of her hips down her legs to float just off the floor.

“Hi Mike, come in.” he wore a charcoal suit over a white shirt, his collar open. She watched his blue eyes as they gazed upon her body covered by the thin black dress. “Mike?” the fact that he was too absorbed in what he saw to speak excited her.

“Sorry, Hi, you look amazing.” She knew he meant it and it brought colour to her cheeks.

She lead him into the small flat. He had only seen in through the door on their previous dates so she gave him the tour, skipping her bedroom whose door stayed shut.

With the tour finished she fetched the first course of their meal while he sat down. They chatted as they made their way through their bowls of steaming mussels. She used an empty shell to pinch the rest from their homes. She had to stop to lick her fingers clean occasionally sucking off the creamy sauce.

The main of chicken stuffed with chorizo. The conversation went from the safe topics of family, childhood, and work and started moving to deeper conversations. With the dishes cleared away Anita returned to the table with the second bottle of wine. With the sun firmly set the light of the candles danced on their faces as they talked,

Leaning on her forearms Anita's hands grasped each other in the centre of the table. As Mike placed his glass down next to her hands his hand gently covered hers, a tiny shiver ran through her body at the contact, her teeth sunk into her bottom lip trying to stop her cheeks from flaring red.

Slipping her one hand from beneath his, she ran her fingertips over his knuckles, letting them drift over the wrinkles of his skin. The simple contact of their fingers running over each other was more exciting than their first kiss. It wasn't what the fingers were doing that held the excitement but that it signalled the beginning.

She stared into his eyes her long lashes drawing his gaze into her. Rising from the table she led him to the sofa, he followed holding her hand.

Sitting close on the sofa Mike's lips went to her throat, he could feel the pulse racing in her neck. His mouth mover up following the curve of her neck, turning her face to his. Their lips met with trepidation but then she melted into the kiss. His hand slipped round her waste pulling her body into the kiss.

Her hands went to his face, fingertips moving over his cheeks. Gliding over the smooth material of her dress his hand slipped round to her ass. His free hand found the zip running down her side. Gently he slid it down. Pushing the straps from her shoulders the dress slipped from her arms, falling open to reveal her breasts.

He cupped her breast, lowering his lips to the smooth soft flesh, his tongue reaching out for her nipple gently lapping at it. It hardened at his touch and she gasped as she felt shock-waves travelled through her body.

Her hand moved to his lap, teasing his belt free then moving to the zip. Closing his lips around her nipple his tongue flicked quickly over it. With his trousers open she reached in to find the him straining against his boxers.

With him released she pulled back from him and pushed her dress down her body, lifting off the sofa to allow it to slip down and fall onto the carpet. His hands quickly explored her naked body, gliding over naked skin feeling the heat of her body.

She slipped her leg over him climbing onto his lap. She took hold of his face kissing him as he reached beneath her directing him into her. He slipped in with ease, moisture built up from her excitement lubricated his entry.

She gently swayed back and forth feeling him inside her soft flesh gripping him and massaging him. Their tongues twisted together tasting each other, exploring.

As Anita rode him gently she concluded that waiting till their 5th date had been the right choice.

WC: 823
© Copyright 2010 MidnightStalker (midnightstalka at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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