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by mota
Rated: · Folder · Other · #1716954
This folder is met to hold all the chapters for Chrystal's saga
Chrystal was not sure weather she would be excited about meeting Jamal for dinner, after all he had not been home in three days. She was starting to wonder why he wanted to stay married to her? Her mind kept going back and forth mulling over the kindness he displayed and the selfishness that seemed like the a part of him too? The dreamer in her wanted to believe in him and the realist was starting to know better.

Her father would say Chrysi you cannot change a man. Deep down Chrystal knew this. She was starting to feel like he led her on just so she could be the one to pull the plug on the relationship, so he would not get blamed for things not working. Jamal was a complicated and simple fellow. He liked things that almost seemed beneath his charter, like insulting people in public. Chrystal could not understand this she figured maybe it was something that carried over from high school. Oddly enough he could not stand being anyones joke, the way he usually managed to get out of being someone else's joke was to find there weakness and torture them or just hold on until he got the chance to have the last laugh. For him revenge was sweet, any one who spent enough time with him would come to know revenge was something he took great pleasure in.

Maybe it was knowing this about him that made it impossible to leave him. Every time Chrystal thought Jamal probably did not want to be in this marriage but didn't want to be the first to say so she would think about his need for revenge and reconsider her position. It was not like she was staying because she was completely disparate, although at times she did feel very desperate. She stayed with Jamal because she took her vows serious and believed he did to. Only this time she was not sure what to believe any more. Three days of not hearing from him, at first she was worried. After calling several relatives of his and a few partners on the force that he usually played poker with at least twice a month, she still had nothing.

Would a man in a committed marriage do that? Chrystal thought, then she quickly reminded herself of the other women in this relationship. So I guess that question was a not brainer. They were going to meet at an Italian Restaurant, Raffaele Ugo. This was an upscale restaurant one that Chrystal loved, Jamal introduced her to the place when they were newly weds. That was when his whole world seemed to revolve around her and her's around him. She was okay with the idea of love growing old, but it took some time to take in the idea, of love actually fading away.

Chrystal was still upset at Jamal for his disappearing act, non the less she was NOT about to let him get the best of her tonight; she knew exactly what to wear! Jamal had this fetish that she used to think was strange but learned to appreciate it. He loved shoes! When he returned from tour he brought back a pair of iguana mules, they were cobalt blue and quit elegant, dainty and striking all at once. Chrystal Loved them.
She would wear those shoes tonight seeing how they would look good with her freshly pedicured toes, with some form fitting blue jeans and a silk camisole top.

She didn't want to dress over the top and give Jamal the idea that she was trying to get his attention. She did however, want to make a statement in her attire that said, "I still got it, look what you left behind."With that she grabbed her blue jean jacket, the one that stopped just under the breast and her cobalt blue leather should bag. She checked her make up. Which she hadn't been wearing lately; she touched up her mascara, and added a little color to her lip gloss to give it a tinted look, pulled her long hair into a french roll with a couple of strand hanging on each side to frame her face; grabbed her eye glasses and her keys and walked out of the door.

Chrystal arrived at Raffaele Ugo's,she was greeted by the matradee, this time Jamal actually made reservations, now she didn't know weather to be more excited or curious she was fifteen minuets early and decided to order a glass of wine from the bar before actually being seated. She loved Zinfandel because of it's sweet nature. A good zinfandel offered a robust sweeting and was not to dry occasionally she would substitute port wines in place of zinfandel. Jamal knowing she like sweet wines brought home Sherry once, the look on Chrystal face said it all. She found Shires a little to sweet almost like liquid candy. Jamal liked Merlot. Merlot was a little to dry for Chrystal but she ordered him one any way once she was seated. Usually he was on time, just as Chrystal looked up from her watch at the entrance there was Jamal walking in.

He was wearing a power, blue suit. She didn't remember this suit though, something Chrystal paid close attention to because she loved to pick out Jamal's suit's. He Had broad shoulders almost 43 inches across. His waist was 36" and his length was a 36," which made it hard to find ready made cloths for him. Chrystal usually had to get his suit pants 38 to 40 long so that the inseam could be taking up without compromising the amount of room he needed. She called this suit a power, blue suit because it was the kind of suit that looked black until the light hit it. The color was a classic and the style was to; It was a 3/4 length suit jacket it complimented his broad shoulders just right. The cuffs stopped 1/4 inch above the fat of his palm, giving him the extra room needed to stretch his arm and not look like he just borrowed his little brothers clothes. Chrystal started thinking about how wonderful he looked, double breasted with a pastel purple shirt, a tie that was a deeper version of that same pastel purple and the shoes wow! Chrystal had a thing for square toe shoes. The ones Jamal were wearing were not only square toe but the leather looked very supple and soft, indicative of very expensive. Now she started to get a little upset inside; but she would not let Jamal know.

He walked over to her and as she got up to greet him, he walked around the table, to her and gave her a hug. She took in the sent of his cologne. It smelled of musk, patroli, spice and maybe citrus something like a lemon verbena, she couldn't quit tell. What ever it was, it was afrodasatic, she found herself almost burying her head in Jamal's neck until she reminded herself that this (Profane) had decided to go missing for three days. At the thought of his missing in action, she broke away form the hug a little quicker than he expected. "How have you been Chrystal?" At that she just rolled her eyes and took a sip of her wine. Savoring the flavor she firmly but gently pressed her lips together and raised her eyebrow.
"Well, I see you are upset and who wouldn't be?" That comment just fueled Chryatal's anger she thought to herself "who wouldn't be?" As if he were speaking to all the lovers in his life at one time.

Just as Chrystal reached for her glass again Jamal reached out to touch her hand. She could sense anger inside her that she didn't know ran that deep. She retracted her hand and started twisting her ring. Something she did when she was mad. Jamal always thought it was a sign to remind him that he was married. And she was okay letting him think that. In actuality thought it was her way of contemplating. She would go from twisting her ring to spreading out her hands looking at her well manicured nails. She believed in keeping her hands looking nice, but also natural. She grew her own nails. She never wore them longer than an 1/4 of an inch above the tips of her fingers and she always wore clear or clear pink polish with whit tips.

"Chrysi." Jamal pleaded, just then Chrystal raised her hand to get the waiter's attention. "Why did you come all this way just to ignore me?" This was Jamal's plea of desperation not to be given the silent treatment. "Jamal," Chrystal said in a very soft voice. "What is the purpose of this dinner?" With that the waiter arrived at the table. His presence was a warm welcome as Jamal did not expect Chrystal to respond like this. He knew she would be upset, he figured they would talk about it and go home together to talk some more before retreating to bed. He just knew that because he looked and smelled so nice that he could sweep her off her feet and back home into their bed.

The truth was while he was gone he did spend the day with the lady Chrystal had been told about by one of there mutual friends. He did not spend all three days with this women and did not sleep with her while he was there, but he could not expect his wife to believe this. Jamal didn't actually have a good reason for being gone three days without calling. He had a good reason for being gone, but not a good reason for not calling. This was the real reason he invited her to dinner. As the waiter arrived Jamal noticed how sexy Chrystal looked when she was mad. Every time she pressed her lips together that small dimple on the right side of her face would revel itself; this made Jamal slightly excited. Every time they made love he would look her in the eyes, she would always smile at him and that little dimple would just make him melt. He had to stay focused, he could see that she was not going to be his for the taking tonight.

"Yes, madam, may I take your order?" "Sure Chrystal said and looked directly at Jamal, with a piercing look!" Jamal almost choked on his merlot as he was quickly brought back to reality. "Uh mm," clearing his throat. "Yes I will have the tomato capri, and veal scaloppini along with another glass of merlot." "And for the lady Mizure?" "I will have porcini rubbed prime rib and a side of fresh baby spinach, with your fresh made Italian salad dressing." "Thank you, Sir, Ms. will that be all for now?" "Another glass of zinfandel please." "Right away, sir will that be all for now?" "Yes, thank you." Jamal reached out for Chrystal's hand again, this time she noticed his cuff links they were solid silver and rectangle in shape. She did not buy those for him either nor did she remember him having them before he left, shit the entire outfit was new. "Jamal, why do you do things like this?"

Although Jamal was ill prepared for the conversation, he welcomed her question; at least she was speaking to him now. "He cleared his throat again and prepared to answer her. As soon as he opened his mouth Chrystal noticed how clean his face was. "Ugh!" Thought Chrystal. She cut him off before he could get a word out "Jamal dam it where have you been!?" She demanded. Her tone brought a smile to Jamal's face. His smile only served to irrtate her more. She knew that he was once again getting excited and that if he had it his way she would let him come back home. "Jamal you have a problem." She said before she could even get an argument together in her head to back up her accusations. "Chrystal I enrolled myself into an intensive rehab center." "It is about 50 miles south of here and I actually have to stay on site for at least six months." Now Chrystal was even more pissed, because her argument for being upset was negated by his intent of responsibility. "Really?" Her tone softened. "Just then she thought LIE, and gave him a cold stare. "Really." Said Jamal he could see how his reassurance softened her position.

"I didn't want to tell you until I was sure it was something I could handle." "I didn't call because, I needed time to myself to get my head together and figure out which direction I wanted us to head in." "I knew this was something that I needed to do because I could see how my actions have changed you." Jamal took a deep breath. "Chrystal my actions have changed me as well." He said all in one exhale. "I will not attempt to be perfect, but I am going to be Mr. Right for you and Mr. Responsible for us." Chrystal searched his eyes to see if she could see any hint of dishonesty. This was the first time Jamal took on something of this feat. This was the first time he admitted he had a problem. She knew things were different once he came back from the war, but she didn't know what and she absolutely hated prying in his life. She respected that they were a couple but gave him his space. She hated when he pried into her business. She would never hide anything from Jamal, she just really believed in trusting. That was why being with Jamal these last two years for her had become so crazy.

Jamal started to do things that showed his lack of trust and it made Chrystal feel like she was in prison. When he started questioning her about her where a bouts or threatening her if she left him; it made her feel helpless. The final straw was this disappearing act. She ended up calling the police to put out a missing person report. Not because she wanted to have his name plastered all over the news but because she was concerned; She was worried about him and wondering if he was alive. She wondered if he just decided to walk out and not tell her. Then she began to wonder if something happened to him and if she should be concerned for her own safety. At that point she called the police and put out a missing person's report. One of his co workers came by and made the report. She found out later that he was out of town and doing just fine.

She was throughly pissed, how was it that everyone else knew about Jamal's where a bouts and his status except her. And now Mr. Responsible comes waltzing into an upscale restaurant, with new cloths to match the surroundings and a beautiful story to go with it. She didn't know weather to be happy for him turning over a new leaf or furious because she was the last one to know. Jamal must have sensed her mental struggle, maybe she had a look on her face that expressed what she was thinking. What ever it was he looked her square in the face and said "Chrystal I love you." "I am not going anywhere, and I could use your support in return." Chrystal almost did a double take; who was this man and what did he do with the man she had been married to for the last two years?

Just as she gathered her thoughts enough to give a response, The waiter returned with their food. Chrystal was relieved, the waiter's presence gave her some time to take a deep breath. While taking in the just of what Jamal said, she began to take in the surroundings of the restaurant. She loved Raffaele Ugo the ambiance was relaxing. Dim lighting throughout. All the tables were light by candle light. The curtains were long reaching all the way to the floor, they were a soft velvet like fabric in a rich red color. The tables were all dark cherry wood. They did not have table cloths instead they were lacquered with dark leather arm chairs to match. The Floors were all mahogany stained bamboo. In between each table next to the windows, which were about four inches from floor to celling at both ends were clear Crystal glass lamps with linen lamp shades. The lamp shade reminded Chrystal of the seventies era because they were completely circle but longer than the average round lamp shade.

Crystal took in the aroma of her food, while openly admiring Jamal's clean shaven face. She loved when he trimmed his mustache thin. It was about an 1/2 an inch wide and thinly cut so that is framed his lip. Not bushy at all, Chrystal could not stand when he let his face hair grow wild. She really liked when he would grow a full beard and then square it off and trim it down. It would still be full and fuzzy, but not messy. This time he took his beard almost all the way off, leaving about 1/2 an inch to frame his jaw line all the way down to his chin. The hair on his chin was left a little bit fuller than the rest of the hair on his face; yet it was still nicely trimmed very even at the bottom underneath his chin.

Chrystal could not help herself when it came to ascetic detail; The detail and care Jamal put into his face made her smile. He spilled a lil sauce from the tomato capri in his chin; as Chrystal reached with her finger to touch his face she could not believe how soft it was. She then handed him her napkin, so he could wipe the remainder of his face in the right spot. "So while you were out at this rehab you got a facial?" "Did they just happen to have a department store as well?" As soon as she asked about his clothing she looked to see if he had gotten a manicure as well. Jamal was not the type to go half way, if he got new cloths he had to get new shoes. So naturally if he got a facial he would have gotten his hands or feet done. His coworkers that noticed his hands would often tease him; But Chrystal thought it was the greatest compliment to have a man who cared about his hands. This meant they were always clean, soft and wonderful to touch.

"Chrystal I need to say something, before we go any further tonight." Jamal's statement made Chrystal feel like a teenager again on her first romantic date. The thought made her softly chuckle to herself. Jamal caught her chuckling and wondered what made her laugh. "What are you laughing at Chrysti?" "She looked at up at him with a seductive and endearing smile as she explained her thought. Jamal returned the smile, this time revealing his teeth. He knew how much she loved his teeth. They were so straight, to her they seemed perfect. She loved to study his face, although he looked a little different these days; she still thought he was her perfect chiseled statue. She would stare at him from his eyes to his nose, then down to his lips. She realized she was getting herself excited and decided not to look anymore. While concentrating on her food; she said "Talk about what,now Jamal?"
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