Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1734107-Summer-Lust
Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #1734107
Sun, sand and some horny, experimental girls.
“Thanks for coming everyone.” Paulina said as her guests were leaving. It was close to the end of Summer and Paulina had had her annual Epitome of Summer Party. Danny was the first guest on the list and Paulina was forced to invite Sam and Tucker as well.

Ever since Danny saved the world from the Disastroid he was the most popular guy in school or the world for that matter. Tucker was getting girls as well while he was mayor, but after he lost the re-election he went back to being a nobody.

Danny and Sam dated for a while, but broke up when Sam got sick of all the paparazzi following him. Sam dated other guys, but found no connection to any of them.

As a joke Tucker set her up with Star, but she one-uped him by actually going on the date and was surprised when she enjoyed herself. She started seeing other girls and soon she realized that she was a lesbian, at first she tried to deny it, but soon it became clear that she preferred girls over guys.

Danny and Tucker found out when Danny phased them into her bedroom to tell her a ghost was attacking and caught her masturbating to a picture of Alessandra Ambrosio. Sam said if they told anyone they wouldn’t live to see their 18th birthdays.

“That was an awesome party I got two girls phone numbers.” Tucker said.

“Slow day for me, I only got 40.” Danny said.

“How many girl’s numbers did you get?” Tucker asked Sam.

“You’re hilarious.” Sam replied sarcastically. “I don’t even know why I came to this stupid party. I hate the sun and I really hate the hostess.”

“Because you wanted to see Paulina in a string bikini.” Tucker joked.

“Yeah right.” Sam laughed. She glanced over at Paulina who was in fact wearing a skimpy pink bikini that barely covered her huge luscious breasts.

‘Damn she’s so hot and spicy.’ Sam thought. ‘Her long gorgeous legs, round luscious hips that were curved in all the right places, smooth flat stomach, a butt so tight you could crack walnuts on it, skin so smooth it practically glowed, long silky hair that could be in a shampoo commercial, deep aqua eyes that you could get lost in, and most of all her D-cup sized breasts that practically popped out of her bikini top. Damn I want to grab her and screw her over and over!’

Sam was on the verge of drooling, Tucker was about to make a bad joke when a wisp of blue mist came out of Danny’s mouth.

“Ghost.” Tucker cried.

Danny looked around but didn’t see any signs of paranormal activity.

“Must have been a false alarm.” Tucker sighed.

All of a sudden a giant worm like creature shot out of the sand. It was over 50 feet long, brown in color, had at least 50 claw like arms, and a giant hole for a mouth with rows of sharp teeth. And it was hungry.

“Aww man giant sand worm.” Danny groaned.

The creature wiggled around before spotting Paulina and started squirming toward her hungrily.

“Get away from her!” Danny yelled. “I’m going ghost!” In a flash he was Danny Phantom. He flew into the air and fired an ecto-blast hitting the creature with little effect.

It turned to him and spit out a green sludge like blast from its mouth. Not expecting it, Danny was covered from head to toe.

“Gross.” Danny groaned.

The creature took advantage and smacked Danny with its head knocking him into the water then it turned back to Paulina.

“Get away from her!” Tucker shouted throwing empty soda cans at the creature. It responded by opening its mouth and firing its teeth like missiles. Tucker tried to run, but unfortunately he was wearing his backpack full of electronics and one of the teeth went through it and pinned him down.

“Why have you betrayed me technology?” Tucker cried.

The sand worm turned back to Paulina. It spit out a blast of acid like slime. Paulina was too frightened to move. Without thinking Sam tackled her out of harms way. The slime hit the sand and burned a huge crater in it.

The sand worm was about to strike them both when, ” Hey Sandy pick on someone your own size.” Danny shot out of the water and smashed the worm in the neck with his fist. It fell over hitting the water.

“Are you girls okay?” Danny asked. Sam was now on top of Paulina, her hands inches away from her breasts.

“I’m fine.” Sam said making no motion to move.

Before Danny could say anything else the worm rose back up and let off a fierce roar.

“Danny freeze the water around it!” Tucker yelled.

Danny’s eyes glowed blue as he fired beams of ice at the water at the worm’s base. Not able to move the creature fired its teeth at Danny, but he was prepared and easily dodged. He flew up to the worm’s mouth and formed a stick out of ice. The worm tried to devour him, but he stuck the stick between the roofs of the worms mouth. It struggled to try to break the stick.

“Time to put this battle on ice.” Danny said. He formed an ecto-sphere with an ice blast inside and hurled it into the worm’s mouth just as it managed to break the stick.

The worm growled and lunged at Danny. Just as it was about to get him a green light flashed in its stomach followed by a white explosion. The worm fell into the water defeated.

“What did you do?” Tucker asked.

“I froze it from the inside.” Danny said. “It’ll be frozen for a couple of hours.”

“That’s great.” Tucker said. “Now could you free me?”

Danny went over to Tucker and turned him intangible allowing him to get free of the tooth.

“I better get this back to the Ghost Zone before it defrosts.” Danny said.

“But you forget the thermos.” Tucker pointed out.

“Didn’t you bring the Fenton Fisher?” Danny asked.

“Oh yeah.” Tucker said pulling it out of his ripped bag. “I knew this would come in handy.”

Danny took the Fisher and tied it around the worm’s neck. “I’ll pull you guide.” he instructed.

“Rodger.” Tucker agreed. “Have fun you two.” he said to Sam, winking.

Danny dragged the creature off with Tucker giving directions.

“Uh Sam you can get up now.” Paulina said nervously.

Sam however was in no hurry to get up.

“This is my dream come true.” she thought. Without thinking she pressed her lips against Paulina’s. Paulina stood froze at what Sam was doing. Sam continued to press her lips against Paulina’s not wanting to stop for a second.

Finally she broke free. Surprised at what she done, Sam tried to apologize, but Paulina interrupted by pressing her lips against Sam’s. They kissed for what seemed like forever before they finally broke apart.

“I was wondering when you’d make a move.” Paulina said in a seductive tone.

“Huh?” Sam said stepping back.

“That’s why I invited Danny, because I knew he’d invite you.” Paulina confessed.

“You mean-?” Sam gasped.

“Yes, it was never Danny, it was always you.” Paulina admited.

Their eyes met and Sam knew that everything was speaking for itself.

Stepping forward, Sam reaches out, her fingertips gently caressing the smooth flesh as Paulina presses herself forwards against her palm. Paulina shudders in delight, feeling the curious hands of the gothy teen rub over her firm nipples, making them both blush as red as the sunset.

Unable to stop herself, Sam leans down, gently licking at the swollen nipple, tasting Paulina’s sweet skin. Gripping the nub between her teeth, the goth looked up at the cheerleader as Paulina closed her eyes and tilted her head back, moaning with delight.

The straps of her top began to fall off her shoulders, letting it drop to the hot sandy beach below her and then her bottom fell to the ground and she kicked it aside as she stood naked in all her glory. Her wet, moist pussy was aching for Sam’s touch, as she felt the goth girl rub her hands in between her thighs, causing her to smile deviously at her newfound partner.

Gently stroking along the length of Paulina’s wet slit, Sam’s fingertips tease the sensitive folds, slowly working their way between them before pulling away again, teasing the girl with the promise of more to come.

Paulina leans back a bit as she craves more of what she gave her,before laying down on the hot sand, legs spread, inviting Sam on top. As she brings her closer, their chests begin to press upon one other,their heart’s racing in lust as their eyes look upon the other, knowing what they both want to experience on this very night

Stroking her fingers up the naked girl’s thigh, Sam looks deep in her eyes, watching Paulina silently pleading her to keep going. Leaning in close, their smooth skin rubbing gently together, Sam’s lips press against Paulina’s, her tongue slipping between them just as her fingertips pressed against the cheerleader’s drenched opening.

The hot, tasty feel of Sam’s tongue slipping onto her own makes Paulina beam with excitement..closing her eyes and letting her other senses overwhelm her mind. Her arms subconsciously wrap around Sam’s body, pulling away at her swimsuit, rubbing her hands all over her back, before reaching down for the more adventurous parts of the goth girl.

Reaching back, Sam pulls Paulina’s hands away as she starts to slowly make her way down the toned cheerleader’s tight body, her tongue trailing over the girl’s collarbone, tickling her breast and lapping at her nipple before sliding over her belly, continuing downwards.

They were so caught up in each other that they didn’t notice Danny floating above them invisible. ‘If Sam knew I was watching she’d kill me for the rest of my afterlife.’ he thought.

Spreading her legs evermore so, Paulina anxiously waits for Sam to reach in between her hot thighs, begging for more. She moans to the goth girl’s delight, loving every feel of the moment on the burning sand, as the sun continues to set and the skies darken.

As she lay between Paulina’s thighs Sam’s tongue slowly moved closer to the cheerleader’s clit. Just before she got there the goth stopped, looking up at Paulina’s desperate face, waiting for the bitch to beg and plead for her touch.

She cringes with desire, the look in her eyes wanting her to taste that sweet, hot flesh of her womanhood. “I…I can’t wait…” Here she was, laid out for a girl she would usually hate for being so uninteresting, so different, yet they knew now they wanted the same thing.

Pressing her fingers either side of Paulina’s flower, she gently separated the folds of damp flesh, looking down at the soft pink beauty exposed before her. Reaching out with her tongue she ran the tip up over the sweet beads of liquid clinging to the sensitive skin, holding herself on the cheerleader’s clit as she listened to Paulina’s heartfelt moans of pleasure.

“Ughhhhhhhhh…” she cried out, her cheeks hinting a deep red, as Paulina lets her emotions run wild. Feeling that sexy, talented tongue of Sam lick away at her juicy slit was so enticing, so hot…she couldn’t imagine anything better than this…at least not this moment…

Pressing her fingers harder against Paulina’s mound, Sam brought up her other hand. As her tongue drew small circles around the cheerleader’s clit, the goth slid her pale fingers up into the tanned beauty, feeling the girl’s hips buck as she probed deeper.

Her feet dug deep into the sand, giving leverage to her pleasurable partner, screaming Sam’s name in ecstasy. Wet, warm juices coated the goth girl’s fingers, as they lovingly explored deeper into her, with each stroke sending jolts of pleasure up the latina girl’s spine.

Gripping Paulina’s clit tightly with her teeth, her tongue playing over it gently, Sam moved her free hand down, stroking Paulina’s puckered anus as her fingers began to slowly pump in the cheerleader’s cunnie, spilling her juices onto the sand below.

The warm, sweet juices of Paulina quickly streamed down Sam’s playful fingers, the heat within her body escalating with the moans of love. As she was at the whim of the goth girl’s control, the popular cheerleader knew that Sam was doing a much better job making her feel good than most boys, even Danny, at her school ever did.

Grinding her teeth on Paulina’s swollen clit as she moved her finger inside the girl’s cunt, Sam drove her other finger into the cheerleader’s butt hole, feeling Paulina’s hips rising up against her mouth as she started twisting her digit inside her, making Paulina moan even louder as the last few rays of sunlight dimmed.

“I can’t take it anymore…!” Paulina screamed out as Sam’s naughty fingers invade and stroke as hard as they did, with a shout across the skies… “UGGHHHH!” Her powerful orgasm taking full force, streams of love juice flowing down Sam’s tongue, oozing with the lust that they shared on the sandy, darkened beach.

Sitting up, licking her fingers clean, Sam looks down at the cheerleader laid our on the wet sand, panting with exhaustion from the orgasm. Crawling forwards, the goth girl lifts herself on top of Paulina, one knee either side of the girls head as she holds her dripping sex over the cheerleader’s face…

Grinning as she eagerly wants to return the favor, Paulina’s tongue makes its way in between Sam’s thighs, her hands reaching back to support her. She tasted the sweet nectar of the goth girl for the first time, parting the wet love lips quickly as the cheerleader dives in, their eyes fixed upon one another…

Nuzzling hungrily against Sam’s crotch, Paulina ran her tongue along the goth girl’s lips making her shiver with excitement as the cheerleader held the tip against Sam’s clit, gently pressing on it as her new Mistress shifted her body, dropping her weight onto Paulina’s face as her juices smeared over her flawless features.

Drips of sweet, messy spunk streamed down Paulina’s slightly embarrassed face, happily tasting all that Sam gave her. She can feel Sam hunch over her, her arms being pinned down by her legs, only able to feel the backside of the goth girls back as Paulina tried to caress that sweet bottom of hers as well.

Leaning forwards, her breasts rubbing against Paulina’s sculpted abdomen, Sam moved her hands under the cheerleader’s butt, lifting the girl’s hips as she reached down with her tongue gently stroking it down over the damp folds of Paulina’s sex. Pressing down with her own hips, Sam forced her cunt harder against the bitch’s mouth as Paulina moaned heavenly against her swollen lips.

Working with a mouth tasting of Sam’s very wet and aroused pussy, Paulina made sure to widen her legs more for the gothic lover to touch, feel, and lick more of her own womanhood. Each girl worked feverishly to satisfy the other, with the sounds of their excited moans echoing in each other’s ear, with no care in the world on whoever may hear them…

Pressing her tongue hard against the cheerleader’s drenched cunt, Sam moaned hard, letting the sound vibrate the pushy cow’s sex as the goth girl started to pant with excitement while Paulina’s fingertips began to strum over her puckered anus…

Deliciously exploring within the goth girl’s pussy, driving her tongue along for the ride, Paulina moans heavily in return, vibrating that clit of hers. Her nose rubs against Sam’s privates as the latina gropes that tight little ass of her lover, loving the heat their bodies rubbed along one another

Slipping her fingertip into the cheerleader’s tight butt, Sam twisted it around as she felt Paulina sighing hard into her cunt, the girl’s moans exciting her even more as Paulina’s hips bucked up against her mouth, letting her tongue drill deeper as the cheerleader’s juices dribbled down her chin.

The sense of her pleasure zones being constantly attended to, made Paulina sweat with lust as she continued to return the sensations, her wet fingers prodding around Sam’s anus as she flicked her tongue on her clit over and over…

Sam pulled away from her tasty treat of a moment, letting out a deep groan of satisfaction as Paulina probed into her butt with her long, graceful fingers. She was getting so close now, the muscles in her cunt clasping at the cheerleader’s tongue as it moved deeply into her birth canal…

The vibrations of Paulina’s quick-learning tongue enticed the goth girl’s body so much…she can feel the shaking, tense heat of their bodies rubbing. Using her middle finger, she plunged into it, in and out while drips of womanly cum seeps from Sam’s love lips…

Holding her mouth close to Paulina’s drenched cunt, Sam moans and pants as the pleasure begins to overtake her. She tries to pump her fingers in the cheerleader’s arse, but her body shakes so much from the feelings rushing though her that all she can do is wiggle them in Paulina’s arse…

“I can’t last much longer…oooooooohh…” Paulina moans out in between licks, pumping her fingers as fast as she can, while her body twists with jolts of pleasure, ready to cum at any second…

Feeling Paulina’s fingers stretching her arse wide as her tongue whips between her tender lips finally drives the goth girl over the edge. As her body quivers on top of Paulina, Sam releases the muscles around her love hole, letting her cum spray down over the cheerleader’s face, drenching the sand under them as Sam moaned hard and heavy, her face buried against Paulina’s pussy…

Splashed with a burst of Sam’s orgasm, the latina chick finally gave way to her own climax as she rewarded the goth girl’s efforts with more of her own juices down there. Each of their lips and cheeks were streamed full of cum, their chests heaving as their breathed hard, resting on each other as they licked their lips.

Sam crawled up over the damp sands, pressing her lips against the latina’s as she hugged her close, their bodies drenched with sweat and their shared juices as the soft moonlight shone down over them…

Danny meanwhile was trying to his best to stay invisible. He had to go off and relieve his self before his massive erection broke through his thin jumpsuit.

Paulina lay happily with her new-found sex partner, listening to the sounds of the waves crashing on the beach before hearing something above her.

“What was that, who’s there?” Paulina began to get a bit embarrassed at the thought of someone else watching their show.

Peering into the darkness, the cheerleader saw an eerie glow moving between the trees. At first she thought it was a ghost, but then it was gone, disappearing into the night.

Slightly spooked, Paulina wrapped her arms around the goth girlfriend, clinging to her tightly as they watched the stars twinkling in the heavens above.

“That was incredible.” Paulina whispered. “We should do this again real soon, like tomorrow.”

Sam rested soundly with the girl she used to hate, but now able to find that they had a lot in common with their similar tastes for fun. She offered to take her hand and wade into the beach…to clean themselves off.

The playfully splashed water on each other. Paulina looked so sexy when wet.

“Or now is good too.” Paulina said as she prepared for round 2. “And a hour from now, and tonight, and tomorrow morning…”
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