Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1792678-Overtaken-Chapter-One
Rated: 13+ · Novella · Sci-fi · #1792678
This is a random Zombie Related teen love story. Enjoy...
I can't believe that just happened. It was such a little thing. Maybe I imagined it. No, it was definately real. Carson Pierce just winked at me. I stood at my ugly blue locker with chipped paint and a lock that only opens after a good beating, hands shaking, attempting to gather my books for my fifth period Biology class. I managed to grab my purple notebook, but my shaking hands caused my textbook to fall helplessly to the floor. The loud noise caused me to jump, and finally settled my butterflies. Out of nowhere, my best friend appears.
"Hello darlin'." Ethan laughed as he swooped down and scooped up my Biology book, handing it to me along with a joking wink.
"What has you all jumpy?" He asks in his slow southern accent. Of course the question sent me in another flurry of butterflies and turned my face instantly bright red. I glanced at the floor unconciously, then looked back up at Ethan, who was now proped against the locker next to mine, with his smile still radiating.
"Well," I giggled, "Carson winked at me!" I blurted.
Ethan's smile faltered for a mere second, but he corrected himself, even though the sparkle in his eyes were gone.
"That's great Skye, good for you."
I was simply giddy with excitement.
"I know! I think he might like me! Can you believe it? A football player!"
Ethan smiled again as he stood up, although I thought I heard him mumble something under his breath. I brushed it off because of my excitement.
"You better go, we all know how Mr. Griffith gets if you're late." He told me. I nodded, then smiled.
I guess you're right, lunch date tomorrow?" I always asked him that, because we always sit at the exact same table, and in the exact same seats.
"Yeah. Sure." He answered me coldly and walked away without a goodbye. He never acted like that. His usual response was something like "Yes, ma'am" or "Yes my lady" using his best southern accent. I shrugged, a bit disappointed with his response, then slammed my locker and walked to class.
I slipped in the door a mere second before the late bell rang, and Mr. Griffith slammed and locked the door right behind me. Oh no. He was in another bad mood. His fourth period class almost always got on his last nerve. I quietly slid into my desk near the back, next to Alexis. She had been a close friend of mine even when we were in the middle school. I smiled at her and then looked down to open my book. Apparently the topic of the day was a refresher course on photosynthesis. I already knew most of it, so I tuned out the monotone lecture and focused on my doodles. Carson Blaine Pierce. Allison Skye Pierce. Mrs. Allison Skye Pierce. I was so proud of my cursive writing. I surrounded the names in random hearts and flipped the page, scribbling down a few of the things Mr. Griffith had scawled across the massive dry erase board. It always bothers me when he leaves things written on it for a week or so, and it never fully erases. I couldn't help but notice the horrid drawing of a tree and it's root system and the giant green Vin-diagram from two weeks ago still visible in the background. I snapped back to reality, realizing that Alexis was trying to get my attention. She brushed her long brown hair behind her ear and threw another tiny paper ball in my direction, which landed in my dark brown hair, which I quickly brushed out with my fingers as I glared my piercing green eyes at her. She giggled silently, then threw a larger paper ball at me. I fished it out from underneath my desk and attempted to open it silently. In her neat, girly handwritting, the crumpled note read, So what's going on with Carson?
I couldn't help but giggle, a bit too loudly. I looked up at Mr. Griffith, who looked in my direction sternly, but continued lecturing. Moments like that made me glad that he liked me. After a few seconds of pretend listening, I wrote Alexis back in big capital letters. He winked at me! I folded it neatly and waited for Mr. Griffith to turn and write things on the board, and then slung the paper in the direction of Alexis' desk. She picked it up and read it while smiling, then gave me a thumbs up with a giant smile. Finally the bell rang, and I darted out of the classroom, smiling to myself like an idiot all the way down the hall.
Sixth and seventh periods dragged on as usual, but finally ended at the three o'clock bell. Everyone flowed into the halllways, following the movement of the crowed. I managed to push though to my locker, and Alexis had already beaten me to it.
"So tell me everything!" Alexis beamed. I began explaining everything as I put in my combination.
"Well, as I was leaving the lunch room, Carson made eye contact with me from the other side of the room." I paused to punch my locker, which after a few tries, finally opened, then I proceeded with my story. "Of course it made me blush, and I giggled a bit, and so he smiled and winked, then turned and walked off." I threw my books in my locker, then slammed it. Alexis was smiling ear to ear when I turned around.
"That's amazing! Way to go Skye!" She jokingly applauded me. I laughed at her. All of a sudden she flew forward right into me. After a few seconds of being shocked, we both realized that Collin had shoved her. We should have known, he never slows down when he's trying to get to his locker beside mine. He threw his books into the pile of junk in his locker, then quickly closed it before the avalance of books and papers escaped. Collin turned to see Alexis and I staring and him, attempting to keep serious faces, but breaking out in laughter at the same time.
"What is it?" He asked looking confused.
"Oh, nothing important, just the fact that we may have to evacuate the school because of the avalance coming out of your locker!" Alexis said. We all started laughing as my brother Darius came up behind Alexis and wrapped his arms around her. She turned and looked up at him, then gently kissed his cheek. I shielded my eyes.
"Oh come on you two, get a room!" I giggled. Darius ran a hand through his curly hair and laughed. He spun Alexis around and grabbed her hand, then we all walked down the hallway together. Darius seperated from us first, he had football practice to get to, then Collin, because he took the bus. That left Alexis and I. We always walked home together, considering we lived on the same street. We chatted as usual, but I didn't pay much attention. I was to focused on thinking about Carson. We made it to my house, and I started walking down my driveway after a quick goodbye, still thinking about him.
I opened the large red wooden door and walked into my house, throwing my bag into the hallway and walking into the kitchen. My dad was watching the news, with the usual monotone voice droning on about "mutated bacteria" or whatever as I went by. I grabbed a bag of chips from the cabinet and a soda from the fridge and then bounded up the stairs to my room. I climbed over the mounds of clothing and random objects covering my floor and dove into my bed. What an amazing day. I munched on my chips for a while, and then my pocket vibrated. I jumped of course, but pulled my cell out of my jeans. Carson's name flashed on my screen. I had instant butterflies. Taking a deep breath, I clicked the "answer" button.
"Hello?" I knew I sounded way to perky.
"Hey there." His masculine voice came from my phone and filled my ears with complete joy. I beamed at the sound of him.
"What are you up to?" I asked.
"Oh, nothing, just talking to this beautiful girl." His chuckle was gorgeous, giving me even more butterflies. I giggled in return.
"Well, I was calling to see what you were doing tomorrow night. I was hoping that maybe we could hang out?" He asked. I almost fell off of my bed. Carson Pierce just asked me to go on a date with him. I couldn't manage to make my words come out correctly.
"Me? Hang out with you? I would love- I mean, sure, that's cool." I was glad he couldn't see my bright red face. He chuckled a bit.
"Great! See you at seven." He hung up.
I couldn't believe it. Carson Pierce just asked me on a date. Time to call everyone I thought to myself. I called Alexis first. Of course she was overly excited, we both squealed in excitement as she helped me pick out my outfit over the phone, considering she knew my entire wardrobe by heart she had no problem. We decided that I would wear my favorite dark wash jeans and a perfect black top with a bit of rhinestone detail in the front and an entirely lace back, matched with a bright pink necklack and a matching clutch.
After I got off the phone I considered calling Everly, one of my other close friends, but I decided it would be better to just text her. Guess who just asked me to hang out! I typed out, then selected Everly's name, and deciding to tell Ethan, clicked his name as well. Everly responded with Let me guess, Carson? She knew me way to well. Ethan never responded.
The next day took forever. I managed to make it to our lunch period without dying of anticipation. We had our usual lunch table conversation and seats. I always sit near the middle, with Ethan on one side, and Alexis on the other. Darius sits by Alexis, and Everly always sits across from me beside Collin and Eli. Eli is the musically inclined person of our group, and I rarely see him without his guitar. Today he was practicing a guitar solo for his band, wearing his usual band tee and converse. Eli doesn't talk much, his music speaks for him. At first we talked about my date and how exciting it was, then the topic somehow trailed off into that disease everyone was freaking out about.
"I think it's called liquid nerosis or something like that." Everly said.
"No, it's Liquefactive Necrosis. It basically causes your flesh to rot off of you and then your brain is pretty much soup." Collin explained to everyone. We all responded with a giant "Eww!" In unison. Except for Ethan, who had been oddly quiet all day.
"Yea I heard if you touch someone you can get it from them." Darius said. I think he was a bit facinated with the blood and gore of it. Personaly blood and gore didn't affect me, it even bored me, especially after watching so many horror movies with Darius growing up. he loved them, even as a child.
"Hey, we should all promise that if somehow a zombie apocalypse happens, we all stick together." Everly said. We all kind of laughed a bit.
Eli stopped strumming his guitar for a minute and held up his right hand.
"I promise." He announced and laughed a bit. We all followed him and put our right hands up and said "I promise." Not exactly in unison, but close enough. Even Ethan said it, and I'm fairly sure those were the first words he had said all day. I guess he wasn't feeling well.
The rest of the day dragged on, and I have never felt more relieved to hear the three o'clock bell. I darted out of my math class and went straight to my locker. I forgot all about waiting up for everyone and had to restrain myself from sprinting home. Once I got inside I relaxed a little, and went up to my room. I spread my outfit on my bed, complete with all of my accessories. Time for a shower. I went into the bathroom shared by my brother and myself and started the hot water. I stepped into the shower, and the water instantly relaxed me. After I was all clean and had made sure to shave my legs, I stepped out and grabbed the green towel off of the towel rack, drying myself off then wrapping my hair in it. i put on the pink robe hanging from the back of the bathroom door and walked to my room. I dried my hair a bit with the towel and put on my lucky bra and matching panties, and then an old tshirt that I love to wear around the house. I went back to the bathroom and dried my hair after putting a little mouse in it. after it was dry I started on my makeup, and Darius appeared out of nowhere. I guess I didn't hear him come home on account of the blow dryer. He walked in and checked his hair in the mirror.
"Alexis and I are going out tonight." He casually mentioned.
"Have fun, but not to much fun." I laughed. "I'm going out with Carson Pierce tonight." I bragged. His eyes widened a little, and he raised an eyebrow.
"Okay little sis, have fun with your tight end." He laughed and walked out. It took me a minute to realize he was talking about Carson's football position, and then another minute to get the joke. I chuckled and finished up my makeup, then did my hair in a messy bun, and added a few curls. Then I went to my room and got dressed. Right when I had finished my mother called up the stairs, saying that I had company. I put my phone in my clutch, then walked down the stairs, trying to be careful and not trip in my pink wedges. They weren't too high, but I'm such a klutz. I somehow made it down the stairs alive, and there he stood.
His wavy sandy blond hair was a bit tossled and fit him perfectly. His brown eyes sparkled as he smiled at me with his gleaming white teeth, and his white button up shirt was tight enough to show off how ripped he is, and the sleeves of it were rolled up casually. The white fabric showed off his amazing tan, and he had paired it perfectly with some dark jeans. I had to stop and remember to breath when I looked at him.
"Ready to go Skye?" He asked. I nodded.
"Don't keep her out to late!" My dad called from the living room.
"Don't worry Mr. Porter, I'll keep her safe." Carson reassured my dad.
He opened the door for me and led me out to his gorgeous black car that gleamed in the moonlight. He opened the passenger door and waved his hand for me to get in. I slid into the leather seat and he was already beside me before I could even put my seatbelt on. We pulled out of my driveway and into the night.
"So where are we going?" I asked.
"I thought you might like a trip to the drive-in."
Classy. I thought with sarcasm. The drive-in movie theater wasn't really a great place to go, but I accepted it considering I was with Mr. Gorgeous. We finally made it after a car ride of random conversation about things like school and our likes and intrests. Carson paid the entry fee and parked his car near the back.
"I think we can see better from back here." He explained.
I nodded as I removed my seatbelt and looked up at the giant screen in front of us. Suddenly I felt his hand slide into mine. Butterflies flew up again. We locked our fingers together, and he looked up and smiled at me. Of course I smiled back. The movie started. I had no idea what it was going to be, but it turned out to be a horror film. Ugh. Horror movies were so boring. This one in particular was nothing but fake blood and people screaming. I couldn't help but to think about how much Darius would love it. I stared at the giant screen for a while, attempting to look like I enjoyed it, and occasionally glancing at Carson. He let go of my hand, which disappointed me, but he just did so to get a sip from the cup sitting in his cup holder.
"Scared yet?" He asked smiling. It took everything I had in me to keep myself from making a sarcastic comment.
"Uh, yeah it's getting pretty scary." I lied. I knew what he was trying to do. He wanted to put his arm around my shoulders just as much as I wanted him to. At about the same time some poor girl in the movie got completely decapitated by the typical crazed serial killer out to get teenagers. I covered my eyes and jumped like I was scared. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I snuggled into his side. It was absolutly perfect. I didn't really watch the movie anymore, but instead I watched all the people in front of us. There were couples snuggled together on blankets enjoying the spring air, and rows upon rows of cars. Of course there was always a few people going back and fourth from the snack bar off to the left. There was a police man standing near it, ready to stop wreckless teenagers from bothering the people actually watching the movie. I couldn't help but notice the grown man that he had aprehended after the man tried to start a fight with the teenager working the cash register. The man looked like he had been in tons of fights, he had big gashes and sores all over. I could tell he was yelling things, but due to my distance I couldn't figure out what he was saying.
The movie was finally getting close to the ending. I could tell because there were only two teenagers left. I just couldn't sit still anymore.
"Hey Carson, I'm going to go to the restroom. I'll be right back."
"Hurry back." He replied, squeezing my shoulder then letting me go. I got out and walked over to the restrooms, which were attached to the snack bar. I walked past the line of people waiting to get sodas and popcorn, then walked past the policeman and the angry man. He glared at me as I walked by, and his eyes were sunken in. I'm not sure if I imagined it or not, but I thought I heard him growl. What a creeper. I used the restroom and washed my hands, and stood in the cracked and dusty mirror for a moment to ajust my hair and makeup. Then I started walking back to the car. I'm glad that guy was finally gone
When I found the shiny black car again Carson was casually proped up against the hood. I giggled a bit.
"I thought this would be a bit more fun." He said smiling. I walked up to him and he put his hands around my waist, lifting me onto the hood easily. He got on the hood beside me, and leaned back to look up at the stars.
"See those stars?" He asked.
"Yes?" I responded, although I was thinking something along the lines of "Well duh."
"Aren't they beautiful?" He smiled. I giggled and nodded. He looked into my eyes and placed his hand on my cheek. I could feel my eyes automatically widen.
"Well, ten million of them can't even begin to compete with your beauty." He tilted his head a bit, then closed his eyes and kissed me. At first it was just the normal fist date kiss, but something felt wrong about it. I wasn't sure what it was, but something just seemed a little odd. I brushed it off as it ended, as did the movie. As the credits rolled up the screen, cars began to start and pull out of the drive-in. We stayed sitting on the hood of his car, smiling at eachother, with his hand still resting gingerly on my face. Soon there were only a few cars left. He kissed me again, this time wrapping his other hand around me.
"We don't have to go home you know, we can go back to my place." He said, then started kissing me again. I pulled away.
"You don't think I would do that on a first date do you?" That's when I started to worry. The hand he had wrapped around me slid underneath my shirt, then down and almost into the top of my jeans.
"Carson, stop." I tried to be calm. He kissed my neck and pushed me onto my back, with him on top of me. I tried to push him off, but he was way to strong. He looked into my eyes again. I noticed he wasn't as hansome as I had thought before. At second glance those shining brown eyes looked sunken in. His teeth weren't that perfect, and his hair wasn't in pretty waves, but instead it was just an unkempt oily mess on his head. I even smelled a hint of alcohol, which explained why he kept that cup in the cupholder that was in the door. He wasn't the guy that had winked at me in the cafeteria.
I finally managed to wiggle out from under him, but not without falling onto the gravel, ripping my jeans at the right knee and cutting both of my hands. Carson slid off the car as I stood up.
"Oh, come on Skye, we all know you want all of this." He spoke slowly and loudly as he ripped open his shirt, which was easily done with the snap closure. I backed away from him.
"No, Carson. Just stop. I don't want that." I tried to be calm. He took a few steps towards me, and I backed up again, this time tripping over someones trash they left behind. He jumped at the opportunity and came towards me, trying to kiss me again. I slapped him. He backed off for a moment. By this time I already had tears forming. He shook it off, then swung at me, and I took a punch to the face. I hit the gravel hard, holding my face with both hands. I felt the spot on my cheek throbbing and the fresh tears flowing down my face.
"Just go home!" I screamed at him. He looked down on me, in disbelief that he had just hit me. He got on his knees beside me and tried to help me up.
"Oh my God! Skye! I'm so sorry I didn't mean-"
"Just get the hell away from me Carson!" I jerked away from him and stood up, still holding my face with one hand. I walked to his car and slung the door open, grabbing my clutch.
"Go. Just go." I said to him sternly, pointing at the open door. His face turned from worry and dispair to frustration and even a bit of anger.
"Fine." He said, quickly walking to and getting in his car, slamming the door behind him. He spun his tires as he sped out of the drive-in. I didn't realize how cold it was outside. I crossed my arms and shivered. Might as well start walking I thought. I held my clutch in my left hand, which was tucked under my right arm. I held my face with my right hand as I walked. I finally made it back to the road, and I noticed the moonlight was gone. Oh yay, Complete darkness, lovely. I thought. Occasionally cars passed by giving me a bit of light. I managed to stumble along the side of the road in my heels.
The wind started to blow a bit harder, so I gave up on my updo, leaving a trail of pins behind me as I let my hair down to blow in the wind. I felt a drop of water land on my face. Oh hell no. I thought. I had a feeling that it was about to turn out like a movie where the main character thinks it can't get any worse. Of course it does. I feel more drops land on my face and arms, and within ten minutes it was pouring. I pulled off my shoes and started carrying them. Cars still passed by occasionally, but all I could see were headlights and tail lights. As I walked, One car slowed down as it went by me, I couldnt see what type of vehicle ot was through my running mascara, the pouring rain, and not to mention the complete darkness. I noticed the car turned off on a road ahead of me, but it stopped.
It was coming back towards me.
© Copyright 2011 Scarlett Secret (dani95 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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