Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1809011-Cowgirls-Win
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #1809011
A private celebration after the Cowgirls end the season on top.
Christie returned to the locker room. She should have had plenty of time between the game and photo shoot. In the end she dashed off while the team celebrated, changing in the dirty rest-room of the steakhouse. Being the face of “Bob's Steakhouse” was less glamorous than she had hoped.

She had squeezed into tight denim shorts that tried to cut off circulation to her legs, a white t-shirt stretched thin across her breasts. The outfit was finished with cowboy hat and white cowboy boots that were excruciatingly painful.

She spent hours with Bob, a middle aged, sweaty, married man. His fingers were hard to distinguish from the sausages he was cooking, but she soon grew to know the feel of them crawling on her. Maybe one day her curve ball would make her enough money to avoid feeling like she was prostituting herself.

The locker room was deserted; she knew the bar the girls would be in and was in no rush. As a single mum she always felt on the outside. Empty bottles of champagne littered the benches, but she managed to find one unopened. Carrying the bottle she walked to the baths. The water came out hot as she added the bubble bath.

Pealing away the tight T-shirt gave her a huge sense of relief, removing the memory of Bob. With a hard yank her boots came free and then she squeezed the tight shorts down her legs. Around the tops of her thighs were rings where the denim had tried to cut into her. They had been too tight to allow underwear. She stood naked before the growing mountain of bubbles.

She climbed into the large tub enjoying the feel of heat spreading up her legs. She sank into the bubbles letting her arms flop over the edge. One hand found the discarded Stetson, the other the bottle of champagne. She placed the hat back on her head and sank deeper into the water.

The cork popped to sail in an arc over the bath. A torrent of champagne splashed into the bath before she closed her lips round the top to gulp down its eruption.

She drank the chilled liquid as the hot water rose. She daydreamed about her baseball career taking off, posh schools for her daughter, a big house and a modelling career that didn't involve podgy guys trying to cop a feel.

As the bottle emptied into her stomach, and the heat from the water radiated into her, she slowly drifted off to sleep.

A hand on her shoulder woke her. “Hey there cowgirl, room for one more. I bring fresh supplies?” She opened her eyes to find the physio standing over her in a towel.

“Hey Doc, always room for you.” He dropped the towel as he stepped into the bath. The fleeting sight of his package made her heart flutter, despite rumours of him being gay.

He slid round the tub so they were side by side as he pulled the foil from his bottle. His cork followed the same path as hers. He tipped the frothing neck to her; champagne splashed down onto her chin and chest before he finally poured it into her open mouth. They made quick progress through the bottle as they talked about the game. Then he told her he would be off until the start of the next season.

“You can't leave us, wont you miss us?” She placed her hand on his thigh without realising it, Doc had been a good friend.

“Well, I'll miss some more than others.” His hand went to her thigh. She felt more than friendship in his fingers.

Encouraged by a bottle and a half of champagne she gently twisted towards him, as she moved his hand slowly slid between her legs. “I guess I need to make sure you don't forget me.” His fingers pushed up between her soft flesh. Her hand moved round to the inside of his thigh and then moved up to cup him beneath the water.

His free hand pulled her face to his, “You're the reason I'll be coming back.” His lips pressed against hers, his lips soft against hers, their tongues tentatively explored each other. Her hand moved over his balls to find his stiff shaft. As her hand closed round him, he scooped her up, lifting her onto his lap.

As she sank down his rod she realised how natural it felt, sex hadn't felt natural since the death of her husband. A coating of bubbles slowly slid down her breasts, revealing themselves to him. She pushed down on him, feeling herself filled as warm water swirled around them.

His hand effortlessly controlled her body in the water lifting her from the bubbles to pull her back down. She felt every impalement deep inside her. She began to buck wildly, the hair tumbling from beneath her hat, flying out around her. She pushed herself harder and harder, her pulse racing as her body craved more and more of him.

A hand gripped her shoulder making her jump. Doc stood above her in jeans and t-shirt, “Good dream?” Her face flushed as if he had been watching her dream.

Word Count 869
© Copyright 2011 MidnightStalker (midnightstalka at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1809011-Cowgirls-Win