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While grocery shopping you, run into different types of shoppers. As a child, I can remember going to the grocery store every week with my grandmother. It did not matter how much or how little we had to buy we were always there for a couple of hours each time we went. As a child, I could not understand why it took my grandmother so long to go to the grocery store and buy what she needed. When I went with my mom, we were in and out no matter how much we had to buy. Now that I am older, I understand that you don’t have rush nor do you have to take all day at the store. Over the years, I have realized that there are four different kinds of shoppers. First, you have your slow shoppers who take their time and go up and down each aisle. Second, you have your average shoppers who might not always know what they need, but they know that they don’t have all day to shop in one store. Third, you have your speedy shopper who wants to spend as little time in the store as possible. Finally, you have the social shoppers these shoppers seem to be there for only one reason to be in the way.

My grandmother is what you would call the slow shopper. It would take us hours to get ready to go grocery shopping. First, we had to look through the refrigerator and the cabinets to see what she had. Then, we would we have to make a list of the stuff that she needed. Last, we would we would check all the coupons to see if there were any that we could use. Once we got to the store, she had to grab the store flyer to see if she had missed anything. She would have to go up and down each aisle even if we did not need anything from that aisle. Once we were finally done grocery shopping, we had to stand in line and pay. This also felt like an all day chore. We would get in line and she would put everything on the belt one thing at a time. When it was time to pay, she would always give the clerk the exact amount of change. This meant that she had to dig around in her purse trying to find her change. Grocery shopping is not something that anyone looks forward to, but going with my grandmother felt like a punishment.

My mother is the opposite she is a speedy shopper. She would make a small list of the things she needed that day. When she got to the store she knew what she wanted and which aisle everything was located. She did not go down the aisles that did not have what she needed in them. She does not really enjoy shopping so she likes to get in, get what she needs and get out. Since, she does not like to shop she also does not have the patience to stand in line behind the slow shopper. My mother would have to go to the grocery store every couple of days. Even with going more frequently, she still spent less time at the store then my grandmother.

The average shopper is what I would call myself. I like to make a list before going, but I also like to look around. Since my method of making a list does not include going through each cabinet, there are times that I have forgotten to list several items. Looking around gives me the opportunity to find new things to try as well as remember some missed items. I don’t usually travel every aisle because I know there is nothing in it I need. I move through the store at a reasonable speed generally with the flow of the other shoppers.

Finally are the social shoppers they go to the grocery store just to look around. This shopper likes to park their cart in the middle of the aisle while they go up the aisle to get something. They also like to stand around in the way and chat with other people in the store or on their cell phone. Some of the conversations that they have makes you wonder if they remember that they are in the grocery store. When you try to go around them, they act like you are not there or like you are bothering them. These shoppers move very slow and go up and down each aisle. They seem to have all the time in the world they are not in a hurry to go anywhere. This type of shopper can cause the other shoppers to get very upset, and sometimes causes them to leave the store.


The environment of the American supermarket is bad enough, but the people in them make the entire experience
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