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Study Tips for Puntuation Inc. created by Bob, class assisstant

1. There’s a reason for Lesson #1 of Punctuation Inc. being so huge. It will force you to find a way. You may not have counted the cost before registering for this particular class. It is not a simple refresher. This class will put you through the proper disciplines to learn punctuation materials with excellence. Your writing will never be the same. But there is a price to pay. So let me give you a few pointers I discovered; they saved my day more than once!

1b. Lesson One of Grammar Garden is the very foundation for the rest of the course. Be sure you thoroughly understand it. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask your instructor. That's what they're here for. It's called teaching. Each lesson will build on the lessons before it, so understanding each lesson is essential to your success.

2. Don’t try to begin at the beginning of this lesson and plow your way straight through it. For me, that was a big mistake. (It was my first big mistake but not my last one.)

3. Your first step, with any lesson, should be a quick read-through— always

4. You must have a pencil and note pad on hand. Do not try to hold all of this material in your head. In your first, quick read-through, jot down a few things you will need to know and do. This will save you from some frustration and some mistakes.

5. Do not try to do this lesson in one sitting. That would be a grave mistake.

6. Try to work one hour each day on the lesson. You will need that much time at least.

7. Begin your study on the first day. Do your quick read-through on that first day. This will allow your mind to ponder the lesson all during the week. My experience is that the mind works on your daily projects while you’re sleeping.

8. Do the easy stuff first. When working on a list of rules, one or more of them might stump you. Don’t struggle with the rule that stumps you. Do the easier ones; then come back to the hard ones.

9. If you’re short on time, and you’re baffled with something, don’t labor over it. Hop over to the forum and post a question (which will benefit the whole class), or email the teacher privately. She will work with you until the light bulb comes on. What's great about this class is if you get something wrong on your homework, she will explain privately—in great detail—why it is wrong so you don't make the same mistake again. Getting an A+ is not the goal. Learning is the goal.Try not to get behind. It is extremely difficult to catch up.

10. If you get behind, don’t get discouraged and give up. Just let the teacher know you're behind, and she will give you a few days to catch up.

11. Don’t ever turn in an assignment immediately after you complete it. Sleep on it at least once, and then re-read it. You will find errors that you can correct. If you sleep on it twice. You’ll find more errors both times.

12. There is no merit in being early with your assignment. Wait until later in the week. Read and re-read. This will help your learning and help your grade.

13. Print out these pointers now. Use them as your personal guideline for success.

Happy learning!


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