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by BarryN
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1998496
Liz returns to work and faces a problem
Chapter 19: Liz returns to work and faces a problem

         The next morning Liz woke up to exactly what she wanted, another breakfast in bed. Tom served it and then went down to her feet, showering them in kisses. Liz finished eating, showered and got dressed for work.

         "Ok Foot Servant, how about you clean the house while I am gone? I will try and give you a call and see how you are doing, okay?" she asked as she got her car keys and headed to the door.

         "Yes Master, of course. Have a great day my Owner!" he said as a smiling Liz left.

         The drive to work was uneventful and soon Liz arrived at her job. As she was wearing a white blouse, she had not worn the Mega Woman outfit underneath; however, she did have it in her gym bag which she carried up to her office.

         "Hey Campbell, how was the romantic weekend? He pop the question?" a male voice said. Liz put her bag down and turned around.

         "Hey Mike. No, he didn't pop the question. And as for the weekend," she said as she sat down, "it was...super," she smiled.

         "Speaking of," Mike said as he took the newspaper out of his bag and put it on her desk. "What do you think of this?" he asked as he pointed to the front page news about the destruction at the naval yard.

         Liz looked down at the headline. "MYSTERY PERSON DESTROYS SHIPS" She looked back up at Mike.

         "How on Earth would I know about that? We are in finance Mike, not investigative journalism," she said as she pushed the paper back to him.

         "I know, but come on. I mean, what could all of this mean? The main theory is that some super soldier made by the government went nuts. Can't imagine the power that guy would have to have to lift up fucking destroyers," Mike said as he sat down in one of the chairs in Liz's office.

         Liz looked up at him and crossed her arms. "What makes you think it was a guy?" she asked.

         Mike smiled. "I thought you weren't interested?" he said in a joking voice. "And what, you think it was a woman?" he asked.

         "I have no idea. But I don't think you can assume it was a man," she said.

         "True," Mike said as he stood up. "So what do you think? A space alien? Like Superman? The Incredible Hulk? Powergirl?" he asked.

         "Mike, I have no idea," she said as she turned on her computer. "I really need to get to work."

         "Okay. Okay. But you have to admit, it is like something out of a comic book or something. Anyway, whatever he, or she, is, I sure hope they are friendly. I don't know what humanity could do against someone who can toss aircraft carriers around like match sticks," he said as he walked out of Liz's office.

         Liz leaned back in her chair and pulled the article closer. Mike had been right. The theories went from a super soldier, to a space alien, to some huge robot. Liz was glad to hear that the analysis of the finger prints she had left in the metal lead to nothing.

         Liz leaned back in her chair and smiled. "Maybe I will mega out right now and give Mike the thrill of his life!" she thought when she then got a concern. "If I am going to mega-out here, just where I will do that?" she wondered as she got up from her chair and walked out of the office.

         The office building had twenty seven floors. She was on the sixteenth. The windows went from the floor to the ceiling and did not open, and she certainly couldn't just break windows as she flew off.

         "Freaking Superman had it easy," she thought as she remembered scenes from the movies where he could open a window and fly off.

         "Shit," Liz thought as she walked around the office. Even if she used a closet, the white light of her change would draw attention, not to mention the fact that small Liz walked in, and Mega Woman walked out.

         Liz returned to her office and then had a thought. When she first started, she was given a notebook that had the access points of the building. It was supposed to be for fire escape, but it could be useful for Mega Woman escape.

         Liz dug through her desk and found it. She opened it up and studied the design. It appeared that access to the roof was possible through the stairs. If she could go out in the stairwell and change, she could either use mega speed or fly up to the roof access door. No one used the stairs, and until she found a better way, this would have to do.

         Quietly, Liz left her office and went to the stairwell. She had 11 floors to climb but knew she could do it...and maybe add some muscle to her legs! She started up the steps and finally made it to the door.

         "Ung," she gasped as she pushed against it. It was locked. Liz smiled. "That won't be a problem for Mega Woman," she thought as she started back down the steps. She now had a way in and out of the building, all she needed now was a reason to turn into Mega Woman.

© Copyright 2014 BarryN (barryn1978 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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