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Rated: E · Essay · Family · #2005796
A brief essay on the philosophical question is family still relevant in the modern world?
Is family still relevant in the modern world in my opinion the relevance is there but maybe not so much as it was in the past.

In the modern world technology is the key and some might say that the roles that technology plays in modern day society have taken over roles that would have been in the past commonly for family. When people have questions about sexuality for example they now turn to google whereas before they may have turned to Mum or Dad but has this made the roles for parents any less and the answer is no. When you're born there are two people whom you rely on to guide you through the obstacles and challenges of growing up you rely on them to teach you language and cognitive skills and these two people are your parents. You may have two Mums or two Dads but the principle remains the same. Think about it for a minute you cannot use modern technology at the stage of being an infant so you rely on the skills passed down from your parents or guardians everything from how to walk to how to use a toilet. So at the infant stage yes family is very important and as such is still very relevant.

When you get a bit older and you start school you have a basic grasp of language and you are starting to develop your individual characteristics which in essence stem from the lessons you were taught by your parents. Modern technology has a role to play at this early stage with schools teaching you the basics of it like how to write your name using a computer for example. Still however you're not at the stage to use this technology in any way which would replace the relevance of your parents.

Siblings have a great role to play to in the way that you grow and develop because they can touch on areas which you may find too embarrassing to tell your parents about and the fact that in there development they are much closer to your own stage is also a great factor because they can also teach you lessons about the world and the way that it works. Play is a great factor in development and playing with siblings cannot be replaced by any form of modern technology because it is a cornerstone in how you learn. Meaning that in the developmental stages yes family in the way of siblings is still very fundamental and relevant.

As you reach teenage years in the modern world this is where the relevance of family starts to make a decline because by this stage you have come to grips with technology and can use it thus often replacing the traditional roles of family. For example as mentioned earlier you can google the questions that are on your mind rather then ask Mum, Dad or a sibling. With concern to play technology also starts to take over because now rather then play the traditional board games etc. you can now turn to Playstation or Xbox which can in some cases decimate interaction between you and other family members. Emotional supports also change because before it would have been a family member that you turn to when you need a shoulder to cry on but now increasingly it is Facebook, however this being said Facebook will never be able to replace the physical shoulder to cry on which is split between family and friends but generally family is the chosen option making the relevance of family still there.

In conclusion as we progress through life from an infant into adulthood the relevance of family fades but is never truly diminished.

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