Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2006638-Is-pornography-a-bad-thing
Rated: 18+ · Essay · Adult · #2006638
This is a short essay to answer the question "is pornography a bad thing?"
In my opinion pornography overall is not a bad thing, there are times when a line needs to be drawn agreed however I am going to be so bold as to say “Traditional softcore pornography is a good thing”. Why? I hear you ask “It's degrading to woman” you may say. Through this essay I am going to attempt to open eyes that may have once been shut to the possibility that it is a good thing.
Pornography is very easy to access these days the internet is full of it, in fact one pornographic website receives 32 million visitors a month which equates to roughly 2.5% of all internet users! Some of you reading this may even be part of that 2.5%. Some may have opinions of the people that look at pornography as being seedy and perverted this image is wrong and there are many reasons why people access it.

If a teenager gets a copy of The Sun ™ so that they can look at the page three model does that make them perverted and a person to steer clear of? No it makes them curious and it's something that in my eyes is natural. How many of you reading this male and female can honestly say you have never looked at pornography, the answer not many and I can tell you that with certainty sitting on this chair by my laptop at home. Now answer me this those of you who have looked at pornography “do you see yourselves as perverse?” No is the answer, the reason is because the stereotype like many others is wrong.

Some of you may tell me it's wrong for religious reasons, let me ask the Christians this “who are some of the people Jesus associated with?” the answer is prostitutes, do you think those woman would have agreed to doing what they do in front of a camera in exchange for extortionate amounts of money? Of course they would. Which brings me on to my next point pornography saves lives, if people can watch others online or in a magazine performing sexual acts and get their gratification from that they would have no need to visit a prostitute or a sex slave, because they have just seen what they need online or in a magazine. The reason the streets are not full of brothels is because people can get their kicks through other means don't get me wrong however there are of course still brothels around but not half as many as would be if pornography was not around.

It's degrading to women! I hear you shout. Do you know on average a woman who partakes in pornography gets paid on average 1000 dollars per scene with lets say a scene lasting 15 minutes that's a lot of money and all you have to do for that is what comes naturally the only difference is the camera is there. There are also lots of people submitting their own videos for free under no pressure from anyone in fact there is a whole sub genre dedicated to it would women and men do that if they felt degraded? No is the answer.

So in conclusion not all people who look at pornography are seedy and perverted and it has it's place in society which in turn helps society as a whole.
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