Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2009403-The-Garden-of-Eden
Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #2009403
A dead man is given a chance to keep a promise before he enters the after-life.

                                                                  The Garden of Eden


                                                                    Sebastian Di Mattia

Rocco Destiny always keeps his promises. He died before he could fulfill one last promise, but he's not going to let death stand in his way.

"Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death..."

Did anyone pray for my wife when she died? I know I didn't, I passed out before I could, I don't believe in prayers anyway. Clearly, nobody prayed for me, why else would I still be roaming the earth while nearly everyone else is at peace. I'm not sure just how I died, but I sure remember when I came back to life.

I woke up in a dark room filled with stainless steel tables and there were these big drawers that were built into the walls, they slid in really deep. The drawers were made of stainless steel also, they were the kind that you put dead bodies in and then you push them into the wall, but only it's not really a wall like the wall inside a house. The wall was the outside of a freezer or refrigerator or something like that.

All I know is that I was freezing when I woke up, and I had a toe-tag with a number on it. I sat up and pulled the tag off. It was so damn cold, that I could hardly keep from shivering. A shaft of light coming from a hole in the ceiling filled the room with enough light to confirm that I was in a morgue. The place was a mess. It looked as though a bomb had gone off in there. I walked to the light hoping to be bathed in warmth, but there was none to be found. The light was harsh; it hurt my whole body to look at it. I stepped away from it and only held the toe-tag close enough to it so I could read the number on it. 342 was stamped on to it. I looked around the room until I found a row of lockers. One of them had the same number, so I opened it and found a complete set of clothing. They looked familiar to me, so I put them on as fast as I could. Thankfully, there was a leather jacket and a pair of dark sun-glasses in the inside chest pocket.

Memories began to flood my mind as soon as I put the shades on. I scanned the room further until I found a mirror. As soon as I saw myself it hit me like a ton of bricks. It all made sense to me now. My name is Rocco Destiny. I made a promise to my wife as she died in front of me. I made her a promise and then I lowered her eye-lids over her lifeless eyes.

We were driving home, it was dark, I swerved to avoid hitting a deer that suddenly ran out in front of us. I lost control of the car and hit a tree. When everything came to a stop, she was facing me, blood dripping from her mouth and ears, but she still managed to say, "It's not your fault, I love you." Then her eyes went blank. That's when I made the promise to her.

That's why I'm not in that drawer any longer. Dead or alive, I have a promise to keep, and I'm going to see it through.

© Copyright 2014 Sebastian Di Mattia (joeyp32 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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