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Eulogy for Lisa Ann Manhart
In Memory Of Lisa Ann Manhart:

Lisa Ann''s entry into this world was difficult. Her birth was traumatic and almost cost both her and her mother their lives.
When Lisa and her Mom were safe and recovering,
Mr. Billy Gene Manhart and His Wife Maryann were faced with a pleasant and strange surprise!...

Lisa resembled her Native American father's side of the family more than her mother's side.
Her older brother Bill fondly remembers Lisa's long, flowing hair; flying behind her as she laughed;
running away from a prank intended to make you chase her.
She had a lusty and hearty laugh that was like music to his ears and ours as well.
Lisa grew to resemble a beautiful Native American princess with each passing year.

Lisa could light up a room with her smile and her loving heart. She loved to tell jokes and funny stories.
She had the ability to insult you and make you laugh at yourself at the same time,
but always good-naturedly,.

Lisa was handicapped though....
She did not have the capacity to hold a grudge and she didn't possess a mean bone in her entire body.

Lisa was a born artist. Her artwork reflected her love of the colorful and exotic.
She loved painting lush bouquets of roses; to life-like portraits of the family chihuahua;
Lisa's artwork was a rare gift enjoyed by those near her.

Lisa graduated High School and went to work at at Nutro Pharmaceuticals as a machinist.
She excelled at her job and was so proud of her abilities there.
Life changed one day in her 18th year...Lisa was diagnosed with Schizophrenia.
But Lisa knew how to outsmart it...by enduring with quiet strength.
She handled her disability with courage and class. Lisa was something rare...She was a Classy and Elegant Lady without trying.

Lisa never left home and though she felt a sense of sadness with the departure of her siblings who moved out...Lisa welcomed them with
open arms at each visit; Anxious to hear all about their new lives; and rejoicing for their blessings. How she loved her family.

Lisa didn't know how beautiful she was and was extremely humble. Her beauty wasn't just outside in her brilliant smile and lovely face...
It was in the way she made everything reflect what she felt in her heart. Lisa made everything bloom around her.
She spoke what was on her mind and never sugar-coated things, But always in a loving and motherly way.
On the rare occasion she said something in haste she apologized swiftly and sincerely.

Lisa may not have traveled the world in body...but she experienced frequent trips to India through her wonderful cooking.
She loved to cook spicy curries, and fragrant Pots of Cardamom Chai tea. Lisa made wonderful desserts cakes from beans....imagine that. But she did it.
She treasured little things...Even cups of tea shared with her family became "parties" to her, And they were ;
Because life around Lisa was a magical tea party. Lisa turned boring and bland into beautiful and fun just by sharing herself with those she loved.

Anyone with common sense adored Lisa.
She was genuinely fun to be around. Always looking to try something new..
Lisa decided to teach herself and her brother Victor how to roller-skate in the basement.
She strapped pillows to their heads and backsides with belts so they wouldn't get hurt...but what a hilarious sight that was.

Though she never married or had children,
Lisa was more than an Aunt to her sister Kim and brother-in-law Joe's children Joy, Matthew, and Billy.
She cherished every stage of her niece and nephews lives as much as any birth mother would. She dearly loved her great-niece Luna Sophia,
they shared a special bond and common zest for life, a love for the unusual and silly. How they all miss her already.

When Lisa's mother Maryann became wheel-chair bound, Lisa became the caregiver,
Ever present and always within earshot of her beloved mother;
Lisa excelled at being a loving and dutiful daughter.
Lisa and her mother Maryann found comfort in each other during their outings.
Between the two of them, they made up for what each needed. Each outing to the store or mall was a
huge victory for both of them; and a testament that they could say,"Yes!, We did it! We got in this car and made it through and back!"

Lisa was no slouch. She took care of the yardwork, raked leaves; cared for all the pets, gathered the mail, did the shopping,
and many, many other little things that made the home run more smoothly that we often overlooked due to her being so humble.

Lisa's patience and concern were befitting of the Christian beliefs she held dear.

She could not attend church due to her illness, But Lisa believed Jesus is her Savior.
She "LIVED" church everyday of her short life by sharing her compassion,
kindness, appreciation, and heartfelt morals just as Christ did. It was genuine and touched everyone.

Lisa knew how to adapt to circumstances.
She became what was needed when it was needed out of love and a servant's humble heart.

Lisa had a love and compassion for animals that rivaled that of St Francis of Assisi.
Lisa hand-trained a tiny chameleon named Dudley to come when she called him. Her ducks, Jack and Janet, followed her everywhere.
Lisa had a Pug named Candy that she trained with more care than most parents train their kids.

It was no accident that Lisa was the middle sister; for Lisa was always in the middle of everything and yet took credit for nothing;
preferring to stay out of the spotlight. Being in the middle was what Lisa did, she was a born mediator and
treated everyone fairly; choosing to say nothing rather than insult them.

Lisa and her younger sister Christine loved to have tea parties as they shared a room together when their older sister moved out into her own room.
Lisa felt sadness that her older sister Kim moved into the next room and wasn't in the same room at night to talk and giggle in the dark together.
Lisa was very close to her sisters and it was like that her whole life, they were no just sisters but closest and dearest friends.

Lisa was a bit insecure and didn't realize her inner strengths so apparent to those who really appreciated her..
It is now we realize that it was Lisa who helped us, not the other way around.
By being our dearest friend and support, always giving of herself till the very end.

When Lisa passed, it was quietly and in solitude with no fuss.
I think it was a fitting end as God intended.
It was symbolic that she was beginning her own life unaided by anyone getting there; totally independent and free.
She was braver than she knew. She was and is our inspiration.
It is only now that we fully realize it.

Now we must make her proud of us as we are of her....By becoming more like Lisa.
By being more loving, patient, tender,forgiving, and optimistic by enduring this life and looking for the magic and beauty in it,
And by cherishing the simple and hidden loveliness in the everyday. Lisa saw each day of her short life as a gift,
she met it gratefully and enthusiastically,

We should all be so blessed.

This is not an ending for Lisa...It's only the beginning. Lisa now paints the gardens and skies in heaven; delighting the Lord God Himself.
The angels too are no doubt in awe of her brilliant smile and infectious laughter.

How we miss you already our very dearest Lisa Ann. We were so blessed to have you; For you gave us so much more than you knew.
You taught us more than we realized just by being your beautiful and unpretentious self.
Till we meet again in Heaven.We won't say goodbye; but we will see you again Lisa.

Lisa Ann was a follower and believer of Jesus Christ. In the Bible we read....

John 14:1-4 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”

2 Corinthians 5:6-8 So we are always of good courage. We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.

1 Thessalonians 5:9-11 For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him. Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

Job 19:25-25 For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God

Thessalonians 4:16-18 For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage one another with these words.

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