Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2063550-Terror-In-The-Woods
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #2063550
A woman faces a pack of werewolves
Her breath escaped her lips, as she panted heavitly. Stopping only a moment to catch her breath. She knows that she can't stop for too long, or They will catch her. And then that willbe the end of her, for good. Alone howl signaled that they weren't to far behind her now.

Gasping, she takes off running again. She is still unsure of where she is going. All she knows is, that she needed to ger away. More howls broke the silence, shattering the calm into pieces. She knows she has to run faster. She picks up the pace, now running as fast as her legs will carry her.

She broke into a clearing, on top of a small hill. The howls were getting closer to her now. Meaning that they willsoon be on her heels. Down below, in a small, valley, there is an abandoned cabin. Running as fast as she can, she reaches the cabin. Briskly she thrusts open the door and slams it behind her. Everything is covered in a thick layer of dust. Cob webs choke the corners of the one room.

The remanins of what was once someone's dinner are on the table. The only chair is knocked over on it's side. There are old stains of blood on the floor and on the wall behind the table. The fire place has skeletal remains of wood. The bed is still made as if waiting on someoone to lie in it.

She looks around the cabin, the wood floor groaning with the weight of her every step. As if it pained the floor to be stepped on. She need to find something to defend herself with. She isn't going down without a fight, hoping to take a few with her. Then something gleaming in the moon light catches her eye.

Walking over to the fire place, she wipes the dust away. Revealing a shot gun, she can use. Looking around, on the mantle is a box of shells. As if the previous occupant had prepared themselves for a fight of some kind. Her hands are shaking like mad as she holds up the gun to load it. The sound of howls is heard again, this time ever closer than before. She is sure that they will be at the cabin door soon. She cocks the shot gun, now all she can do is wait.

Silence creeped back upon her. Making things seem more eerie and strange. The sound of an animal sniffing under the door breaks the silence. She clutches the gun for dear life. There was silence once more, as if the animal has gone of searchng some where else.

A splintering cracking sound is heard as claws puncture the wood of the door. She aims the gun and fires, puncturing the door with buck shot. The claws scrape the door, staining it with blood, but they then disappear. Silence is back once again, as if all time has stopped. She quickly reloads the gun as fast as her shaking hands will let her.

A loud bang makes her jump, it is coming from the door. As if they are ramming it with their bodies. She quickly scrambles around the cabin, trying to blockade the door. But it is too late, the wood splinters and cracks as the door began to bow. And with a loud groan, the door splinters off it's hindges. Now they can get in.

One sticks it's hairy wolf-like head in the door way. It's hot breath escapes into the cabin. She smells the rank of decaying flesh on it's breath. Sticky drool flows from it's mouth on to the floor. It lets out a growl, as it starts to enter the cabin. Closing her eyes, she pulls the trigger.

With a sickly splatter the creature's brains lay on the walls and the floor. And it soon falls over dead. Now this made the others think about using the door way. Glass shatters, as the windows break. More wolf creatures stick their heads into the windows. Spotting her in the back of the cabin. She quickly reloads once more and fires it, but misses.

All she can do now is try and reload as fast as she can. One of the wolf creatures finally enters the cabin completely. Shaking with fear, she pulls the trigger again. There was a splattering sound again. She opens her eyes to see that she has blown the creature's arm off. This made the creature rather angry, and it charges at her. She just barely moves out of the way. The creature hits the back wall with a loud thud. It stumbles backwards, in a daze for a few moments. She knows that it will not belong before another will try to enter the cabin.

She runs out of the cabin towards the woods once more. She felt the creatures' breath on the back of her neck. Signaling that they were close to her now. She does not dare look back. One of the creatures swipes at her legs, tearing into her flesh.

Now she was bleeding violently, leaving a trail of blood behind her. She sees a tree, hoping to climb it the best she can. But she needed to reach it first. Another creature leaps on her, tearing into her side. Ignoring the pain, that her body is exherting on her, she almost reaches the tree. Her vision is blurry and it felt as if someone packed her ears with cotton. With a howl, another creature leaps on her and every thing goes black. The darkness of the woods is still once more. Triumphant howls break the silence.

© Copyright 2015 Shanon Bendixen (sh_bendix at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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