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by Braden
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2064360
Just a disclaimer; I do not own Black Ops ll, so no issues? This is my first story... yeah
I look around, not knowing what to make of this area. There’s a vending machine over my left shoulder, and over my right is a closed door. I glance around before entering the room. Inside there was another vending machine, along with a workbench. Kinda like the one you would find inside the average garage. Anyway, I picked up the car door on the ground, and leaned it up against the workbench.
I skim the ground for more potential parts. Finding nothing I give up and head up the stairs. There was a teddy bear sitting on a pile of boxes, and I start getting frustrated.
‘Not here, not at the Farm. Not even at the Diner!’ I say out loud. I run down the stairs, and leave the building. I glance ahead of me, thinking there would be a bus, but instead a vast emptiness. I just kept looking ahead of me, at the large amount of fog.
So many of my friends went into there, talking of a magical gun that could vaporize the zombies, but were never heard of again. I almost did, so many times.
An ear-splitting scream woke me up, and I look in that direction. ‘Shit’ I curse under my breath. I bolt in the other direction, only to be confronted by another large hoard. I look at the building I was just in, and then to the fog.
‘I could trap myself in the house, barricade the doors and windows. On the other hand, I could discover the gun of legend.’ I think to myself. I started running toward the fog. I ran for what seemed like hours, and I trip over one of the crawlers. I close my eyes and expect the worst, and that's what I got. The crawler ripped out my left calf. I screamed in pain. I kicked him with my non-injured leg. It fell onto its back, and I pulled out my pistol. I shot it three or four times before it collapsed, for good.
I look at my leg, or what’s left of it. There’s a pool of thick, crimson liquid puddling directly underneath my leg. I try to stand up, but felt another surge of agonizing pain. I collapse to the ground. I look up only to see another zombie above me. It looked as if it was smiling. It fell onto my body and bit my throat. I struggle to breath as the beast devours me. I feel no pain. I feel like I was on air. But as black started to crowd my vision, words flashed before my eyes; You Survived 27 Rounds.
© Copyright 2015 Braden (bccoolbro at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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