Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2110367-Reality
by To Us
Rated: E · Other · Inspirational · #2110367
Just my thoughts. Feel free to message me what you think of it.
What is reality? Reality is nothing more than our conclusion of the analysis of the data given to us by our senses. Reality is what we perceive. How then is reality real? What we commonly know as reality is nothing more than speculation. How do you know the reality you perceive is the same that everyone else perceives. To a color blind person reality is seen in shades of gray. To someone who isn't colorblind, reality is vibrant and full of life. Which of these is correct? Both. Both are equally as real and exist side by side. Two different realities, both real and both different. How then is it our right to decide what is right and what is wrong to believe. Why is it so far out of reality that we believe aliens exist or that a deity created the world. Why is this wrong? Why is it so hard to understand the different realities that people face every day. To those that are Christian, every action is a test of good and evil. It is their duty to do good in the name of their god. To those that are Buddhist, their actions are forever balancing and unbalancing the scales of karma. To those that believe that they are a cosmic coincidence, they live to their own set of codes. Who are we to say who is wrong? It is our concept of reality that is the problem. We've decided that the individual reality must become the reality of all. Anyone who disagrees must be conditioned and corrected until they agree. Where along the line did this become acceptable? To condition the public to believe a certain way, to think a certain way, to be a certain way. Where along the line in our struggle for peace was individuality outlawed? To be yourself is encouraged, so long as it fits society's preference. To be creative is applauded but only as long as you create what we tell you to. Reality has become a prison to those who dare to disagree. To those who dare to dream beyond the impossible. To those who dare to question the societal norms. To anyone who's actions are deemed disagreeable or dangerous. To anyone who dares to question. So the vast majority drudges along in a stupor, perfectly content with the safe life they have created for themselves. The unknowing prisoner to themselves. Never accept without question. The second you start to do that you are resigned to lose your freedom. You cannot allow all that you are to be sucked out of you by a desire to be accepted by those who have long since lost themselves in mediocrity and obedience. That would be a discredit to all that can be realized outside of reality. What can be seen when your eyes are finally opened? What can be thought when your mind is no longer shackled? The only limits are those that you place on yourself.
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