Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/portfolio/item_id/2122996-The-Stories-of-Laython-Codwell
Rated: 18+ · Folder · Dark · #2122996
A vampire who lives with honor why battling his need for blood Based in white wolf world
5'11'' about 185 pounds Green Eyes with Brown hair. Angry, he looks just pure angry, though when he talks their a Idealism that he just can not hide, a conception that they all can be better then they are and that service to the Tower is their own reward.

Born in 1753 Laython Lived in Boston. The events of the times put him on the Path to Open rebellion like it did many. He singed up for the constitutional army and served Bravely in the Revolutionary War.

About a Year into the war he had made the rank of Sargent in charge of 10 Men. they were scouting and getting ready to set up a Ambush for a British courier they had heard would be coming thru the area it was night when it happened. The Unit was fell upon my a Group of Sabbat that couldn't believe there luck at the tasty meal that they had stumbled upon. We fought in vain. A group of Vampires Hunting this pack of Sabbat found there prey and moved in for the kill when they got there I and my Best Friend were still fighting or as to say we hadn't been over whelmed and killed yet.

In the insuring fight I fought Bravely and when the last of the Sabbat was down there new group of vampire made me stand there and listen as they discussed what to do with me. it was a heated Discussion but in the end Krom my Sire a Brujah Say enough talk and Embraced me. They took me with them and Brought me to New York. Were there was a Thriving community.

I was introduced at court and remained at my Sire side till his Final Death 2012. We acted as a kind or hit Squad choosing to take matters into our own hands rather then wait for the politics over and over as the bloody conflicts of our nations history unfolded. Trying our best to steam the Desire of the Sabbat from seeing this as a all you can eat buffet. This was like sticking your finger in a dam and in the end it really did no good.

Around 1879 we found our selves in the western US doing what we could to make a quieter life for our selves we had made a investment into a Gold Mine witch paid off well and still supporting me today to a certain degree. In 1912 we moved to a small town in Texas a outer settlement under the Dallas Principality.

We were here as self appointed guardians against Sabbat activity in the region. The Cause is Just and that means everything in 2012 the small town we were living in was raided by Sabbat and the Camarilla presence driven out. My Sire was killed in the last battle as well as many of the local leaders.

I Stood up and took the reins and lead the survive of the attack to safety. Choosing now to make and follow my own path i have struck out from Texas with a desire to make my own name and take the fight to the Sabbat on my own terms. But to Do this a safe Haven is needed and after Hearing about Port Lussuria it seemed like a good place to gather strength make a name and prepare for the War I am certain is coming.

I arrived in Port Lussuria in October of 2012. If this was the place I had though it would be I was very wrong. For gathering Strength. A strange place indeed. It wasn't long after arriving that he meet the Primagion Feilx and a Woman named Zoe. It wasn't Long before Feilx Disappeared. But he at lest got a Intro to the Prince Joann Majors.

Zoe and Laython started a awkward Dace. Laython was a young man when he had been embraced. The Sexual Desires of a young man were turned to the Desire for Blood the Bliss of the Kiss. With Zoe it was different did he have feeling maybe may be not. The two of them became friends and agreed to a exchange of knowledge. Celerity of Auspax. What had happened next was not expected. The feelings he had for her intensified was it love or the begin of a bound Blood is a funny thing and Like Feilx Zoe faded way left with out a word.

Times became troubled. A demon moved into the City. and Werewolf's were their tools it had seemed During this time he was made Stanch. and Later Fearless. In the preparation He bought a sword made of Silver from Stephan a Toreador Smith. With This weapon he fought the Werewolf's with a Group.

In the time leading up to the Demons hold on the city he formed a brotherhood with Garrett Stone. The two of them helped the other prepare for the coming fight it was from him he learned Fortitude and the Blood Bound still holds to this day.

His time in the Port wasn't only spent fighting threat after threat he Built up a system of Underworld and Street Contacts and became Very Influential in his own right. He tried may times in vein to use this influence to the betterment of the Camariala covering up issues and problems. It never really worked out though it gave him a pipe line to gather weapons and Body armor to him self A flack jacket Shotgun. Little things.

In the past few Months He had raised up to the Position of Primagon of the Brujah in the port. It seemed like the City it self though was out to get him. Shortly after arriving he was cursed. he was Plagued with Nightmares and Flash backs for a time and had become a laughingstock He beginning to think this curse is Krom from beyond the grave. Angry that he hasn't avenged his Death. Something needs to be done and soon. He was put out feelers and word has comeback the group responsible for the Death of Krom may be in Ohio, So that's were he going Vengeance will be his. The Best has Claimed by choosing this Path but he heads for the fight of his life as he seeks out this Enemy that killed his Sire

He Spent much of his money now Buying a foothold into the Columbus Ohio Underworld

This change in his out look has made him less likely of a leader and not something he seeking actively. The idea of vengeance is starting to take over. Laythom has taken to Finding Prey that have been drinking it numbs him for a while and makes him feel calmer or so he thinks.
Portfolio -> The Stories of Laython Codwell
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