Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/2135131-Buffys-New-World-Order
Rated: GC · Book · Fanfiction · #2135131
Buffy the Vampire Slayer becomes a vampire
Buffy's New World Order

By Yesmrbill

Chapter 1

Spike. Buffy thought. When it comes to guys, I really can pick 'em. First there was Angel. He left so that I could have a normal life. Then there was Riley. He left so that he could have a normal life. Now there's Spike, and with him it's different. I'm never gonna get rid of him. He's here for-ev-er!

What was I doing? Fucking a vampire? I'm a vampire slayer. The Vampire Slayer herself! And I was fucking a vampire?

My sister Dawn says, "That's how Buffy deals with Vampires. She either slays them or she lays them."

I couldn't argue with that. Spike wasn't the first, but it was different with Angel. Angel and I were making love. All I was doing with Spike was getting laid. He was my whore, but I wasn't his. He was making love to me, but I was fucking him; using him. On top of that, I was too ashamed of myself to let anyone know what was going on between us. Then I finally just got too disgusted with myself.

I told Spike, "I don't love you, and it's killing me, so it's over. I'm sorry. William."

I think that was the only time I ever called him by his real name.

Then the next thing I knew, he was going for a ride on top of Anya, atop the table in the Magic Box, on secretly hidden closed circuit TV, for everyone in the whole world who gets cable-porn to see!

They didn't know the camera was there, but if he'd wanted to hurt me, he'd done a better job of it, than he would have if he'd killed me. If he'd killed me, the pain wouldn't have lasted even a minute. After that, I'd now be very comfortably dead, and none of this would be bothering me.

But I'm not dead, so I have to get on with the slaying.

The time was now a few minutes after 11 PM in the Sunnydale Cemetery. Buffy was fighting a very large, very strong vampire. He picked her up in his arms, and threw her down against a headstone that cracked. She also felt one of her ribs crack, but she kept a tight grip on her stake.

Then he rushed over to her and pounced. He grabbed her again, pulling her toward him, with his mouth open and his fangs extended. With great pain going through all her body, she plunged the wooden stake into his heart, and he vanished into dust.

Then Buffy lay in great pain among the headstones, unable to move for several minutes.

She finally was able to take a deep breath. She grabbed onto a headstone, and pulled herself up groaning, until she stood on her feet. Then she began to make her way across the graveyard, trying not to groan with every step.

"Good evenin' Slayer." A man in the shadows to her left spoke with an English Cockney accent.

She moaned in agonized annoyance, "Not now Spike!"

The white haired vampire in the black leather jacket chuckled. "Yeah. Too bad you don't want me around any longer love. If you did, I'd have given you a hand with that bloke. Unfortunately, you don't want anything from me any longer, and that's just what I'm giving you."

"I didn't need you now Spike." She panted, "He's dust, isn't he?"

"Lucky for you," he said, "he was the last one. If another shows up now, when you're in this condition, Buffy the Vampire Slayer dies tonight, and a new Slayer'll be called. 'The Slayer is dead. Long live the Slayer.'"

"Leave me alone Spike!"

She turned away from him, and began limping, making sounds of pain with every step, as she headed toward the Cemetery's entrance.

He shouted, "Why won't you sleep with me anymore?"

She didn't look back, "Because I don't love you!"

"Like hell!"

Spike rushed up behind Buffy, grabbed her and spun her around, causing her to cry out in agony.

"I'll make you love me!" He shouted, "I'll make you a vampire! Then you'll love me for sure!"

Spike put his strong arms around the weakened Slayer. He pulled her up against him, and put his cold mouth and sharp fangs against her neck. She felt both sharp fangs plunge all the way into her throat.

She screamed.

It's happening! She thought. It's happening tonight! I'm being killed by Spike! I'm the third Slayer he's killed!

I'm being killed by the man I...The man I....

Then she whispered, "I love you Spike."
#7. Chapter 8
ID #920672 entered on October 18, 2017 at 3:46pm
#6. Chapter 7
ID #920671 entered on September 20, 2017 at 7:21pm
#5. Chapter 6
ID #920664 entered on September 20, 2017 at 4:54pm
#4. Chapter 5
ID #920663 entered on September 20, 2017 at 4:43pm
#3. Chapter 3
ID #920657 entered on September 20, 2017 at 2:21pm
#2. Chapter 4
ID #920644 entered on December 23, 2017 at 2:40pm
#1. Chapter 2
ID #920617 entered on March 9, 2019 at 11:32am

© Copyright 2017 Yesmrbill (UN: yesmrbill at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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