Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2202535-I-Love-You-The-Most
by Paul
Rated: E · Short Story · Family · #2202535
Grandpa has a secret he shares.
“Grandpa, I love you.”

“Well, thank you love. I love you too.”

“You called me love twice, grandpa.”

“I did, didn't I. That’s because I love you so much, Jody. If I tell you something will you promise you won’t tell anyone?”

“Yes, grandpa.”

“You sure? It’s hard for seven year olds at times and this is a Deep Secret, something you can’t tell your brothers or sisters.”

“Yes, grandpa, I pinky-promise.”

“Okay, hook fingers. This stays between us. You are my favorite, sweetheart. I love you so much I just want to hug you until I absorb you.”

“Will that hurt?”

“No sweetie, it wouldn’t. I won’t do it though, I want you to grow up to be you.”

“Thank you, grandpa. Can I go play with Cecilia from next door?”

“Yes. Have fun and try not to bang another knee. Kissing bloody knees better tastes funny.”

“You’re silly, grandpa.”

“Yeah, I am. Go play and have fun, sweetie.”

“Bye, grandpa.”

“My god, they grow up so fast. It was just a few months ago I watched her be born.“

“Hi, grandpa, can I sit with you?”

“Of course, Liam, I’d love that. What’re you up to?”

“I was playing ball and I got pretty hot. It’s more cooler in here.”

“Just, cooler, buddy.”

“Ohh. It’s cooler in here?”

“Yes, very good.”

“I love you, grandpa, you always teach me things.”

“I love you too, buddy. Can six year old professional ball players keep a secret?”

“Yes, grandpa. I’m not a professional yet.”

“I know, buddy. I love you the most, but you can’t tell anyone else that.”

“I won’t, grandpa, I promise.”

“Good, go play now.”

“I love you, grandpa.”

I wonder what they’ll do when all seventeen figure out I told each one of them that?
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