Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2294000-The-Phoenix-Stone-Chapter-1
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #2294000
Isabel and Elizabeth appear at the foot of King Ellis' doorstep, endangering the kingdom.
King Elis stared out the window at the dark clouds looming in the distance. “A storm is coming.” he said to his wife, Queen Renee. Renee smiled grimly. “Yes I see. And what a peculiar formation.” “You don’t mean…” “Every single time she has returned, the clouds have taken this form.” “It hasn’t been that long though,” “She doesn’t care.” At that moment, the cook came rushing in, “Two young lasses are out my door wearing only rags.” Elis and Renee looked at each other until Renee stood up. She followed the cook down to the kitchen where they peered out the door. “They are raggedy things.” Indeed the two girls outside were not the cleanest creatures on earth. “Well, let them in and get them washed up. We will let them stay the night.” Renee said stiffly. After a few hours and a few bathes, the two girls were seated at a long table, probably getting the biggest meal they’ve ever had. They were silent characters. The young girl stuffed herself silly, while the baby slept in a crib. The queen asked many questions to the girl, but her replies were brief. The only information they got from her was her name. Which was Elizabeth. The baby girl’s name was Isabel. “We’ll let them stay the night.” Renee said. In the morning, she said the same thing, until a year later, Elis realized she wanted to keep them. Elizabeth was the quietest of the two, and more subtle. Isabel, as Elis soon found out, was adventurous. She would jump off shelves and ambush maids in waiting. Some people even say she tried to fly off a turret. And though they didn’t know the exact date they were born, Elizabeth and Isabel got to celebrate one birthday every year. The best gift Isabel had received was a mythical dragon. The dragon was a very small one, but could still cause so much trouble. Isabel gladly named the dragon Elsa. Elsa was turned out of the house more than once, but Isabel always helped her slip inside. The years passed, and Isabel was soon a young teen. Elizabeth was continuing tutoring, while Isabel often skipped classes. More often than not, she was hiding in the woods. Of course, that’s where the best adventures are.
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