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Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #2297290
Miranda is plain and consequently has not expected to marry...

Perfectly Plain

The maid had drawn the heavy brocade curtains for the night, but as soon as the door had clicked shut, I rushed to part them again. I had not been confident enough to go against her established duties and to ask her to leave them open. This was to be my first night in my new home as Mistress of the domain.

Ha! Mistress is too plain a word for Countess, but plain like me, it provides a certain comfort.

I, Miranda, whose name means worthy of admiration, have never attracted any. My loving parents have been kind in that they have never shown their disappointment in me.

So, here I am now, at the advanced age of twenty-three, on my wedding night. I am my husband's second wife, so perhaps he wasn't much concerned with looks this time, because I believe his first wife had been a beauty.

If I have opened the curtains, it is because I don't wish for my husband to pretend that I am someone else. I want him to see me. Is that too much to ask of a husband?

I looked at myself yet again in the mirror as I prepared myself. Thick brown hair with blue eyes are my only redeeming features. My mouth is too large by today's standards, but nothing about me is alarming. I simply lack that grace which we have been brought up to seek. Tonight, my hair is loose as I believe Witlock appreciates its abundance. My gown is modest for the simple reason that I do not want any competition for my husband's attention.

I now await him in the semi-dark.

George Mellow, Earl of Witlock, is a good-looking man in his thirties. He emanates a virility which frightens me while exciting me at the same time. I have had my schoolgirl crushes, but this does not compare. I love my husband already.

Although late, I have done him the courtesy of waiting in an armchair near to the door separating our rooms. I have dozed, and it is his light that has stirred me. Candlelight will flatter any woman, and I am grateful for his. His soft words have awakened me fully.

"Miranda, my dear, I am sorry to have kept you from your bed. Come, you will be more comfortable there. We will leave this matter until tomorrow," he said with true concern.

I laughed.

His delicatesse, thoughtfulness, in using the word 'matter' for 'consummation' touched my ability to see the humour in anything.

"My lord, forgive me, but your words have more than awakened me. I could not sleep now."

He laughed, too, as he understood that I might not be that shrinking bride he had expected. I had not seized the first opportunity to delay our intimate exchange.

He threw his candle into the fireplace and pulled me into his arms.

I gasped with hardly the time to draw in breath before his mouth was on mine. It is a kiss I will never forget; the first on the mouth. Because my legs trembled, he took me in his arms and carried me, not to my bed, but his own!

I couldn't help but say, "My bed is that way, my lord."

He laughed again.

"I know where your bed is, my dear. You see, I also know that my bed is very comfortable, whereas I have no wish to test yours."

Whereupon, he lay me on his bed and began to undress me. He too had left his curtains open wide, and I saw his admiring glance as he passed a hand over my breast.

His bed was indeed comfortable. This man, my husband, Witlock, showed me in every way that he loved me.

I do believe, he did not see me plain.

And then the moment came when I was confident enough to ask, 'Why me?'

He smiled as he held me and replied, "I was foolish when young. I put importance on appearances, and my first wife was beautiful. I soon realised my error when she flirted outrageously with any man. I can now admit that she was an unfaithful sot. She died in tragic circumstances, and I am ashamed to say, I was relieved.

"The lesson I learned was to listen without looking. It has taken me years to find you. I did peek at you, and your mouth has fascinated me from the first. Your 'oh so generous' mouth was what seduced me. Not your mouth alone, but the words you have spoken and the thoughts behind them. You are a bright young woman who is astute, kind and loving.

"I didn't deserve a second chance, so perhaps I should be asking 'why me?'

"Together we might ask, 'why us?' but we shall never know, Miranda, my love."

Sealed with a loving kiss.

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