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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Contest · #2297399
A traveling business man realizes his scamming days are about to come to a deadly end.
W. P. Gerace

The 1500 block of Harris Street in a quiet, affluent North Phoenix neighborhood would turn out to be the latest area to conduct business Franky Johnson thought as he drove along the winding road with its lofty trees and towering mountains surrounding the elderly community of 200 residents. Smiling, he could see the money rolling in for his business run by him and his two brothers, Jared, and Spike. The plan was always the same, and each brother was integral to the company. This time though, with nearly 200 residents over 70, they found a gold mine. Suddenly his left palm began to itch, as his grandmother would say in her broken Italian accent, a sure sign some money was coming.

“Bro, you did well this time finding this hit. “Franky smiled at his younger brother Jared, a computer whiz with dark-rimmed glasses and a laptop on his lap, constantly scouring for innocent victims to trick into their scam.

Driving along, Franky observed everything, looking diligently for the house they needed. Jared plugged in some numbers on his keyboard, banging away as he worked on finding their latest victim or putz, as Spike would say in his loud tone. Jared, once a security expert for the bank, knew just about every system he needed to gain access to innocent elderly residents in the desert city. Once they found a hit, it was up to Franky to walk up with his crisp dark suit and smooth-talking speech to gain acceptance into the victim’s home. He would pitch his sale showing their unique alarm system connected to their main headquarters in downtown Phoenix where hundreds of operators stood by and monitored every part of the person’s home. Once an intruder crosses the invisible line set by the alarm surrounding the property’s perimeters, a silent alarm would go off, signaling the team, and they would alert the police. The intruder would be zapped by these electric pulses within the invisible line, and the criminal would be knocked out. Half the time, folks would take the package for $3000.00, and the other half would not. That is where Spike came in with his burly 350-pound self, nearly six foot five, with his friend Cutter known for making lovely little sketches into people’s skin. The two spent almost fifteen years in the slammer together for murder.

The whole plan was a unique design, Franky thought. People either fell for it through his speech or did not; then Spike and Cutter would break in and rough the victims up, and Franky would get a call the following day. What these folks did not realize was that the whole alarm system was a piece of junk. There were no fancy wires or call center monitoring; it was just a tiny black box that Spike would come by and install that did absolutely nothing. So far, no one has caught on to their unique plan.

“Dude, here she is, Ms. Fanny Minch. She is right here, in that house with the big Cactus plants and the huge ass tree. “Jared piped up, practically jumping up in his seat, nearly splitting his jeans. Franky could not help but laugh. The kid was truly pathetic at times.

“Ok, kid, I am on it. You two sit tight. I will be back in a bit. “Pointing to Spike and Jared as they sat in the back seat drinking some Vodka and Orange juice and playing XBOX.

“Got it, boss man. We wait. “Spike said muffled, practically choking on his drink. Another clown, Franky thought neither one of them could survive without him. Pathetic losers.

Straightening up his tie and suit and combing his dark grey hair, he realized he needed to get Barbie, his side chick, to give him a good blow job and dye his hair. That is all that bitch was good for with her lazy self, another one who could not survive without him. If it weren’t for him, she would have been tossed out of her apartment long ago. She was fired nearly five years ago, unable to get her lazy ass up for work, making her a permanent dependent. Frankly, he did not mind as she was a good piece of ass, and with her hair stylist skills and cosmetology training, she kept him looking good for his business. Besides, his wife Pat was a dull fuck anyways, and ever since having their last kid nearly fifteen years ago, she was not even into things anymore. Surrounded by all these pathetic individuals, he could not help but wonder what they would do without him.

He quickly exited the truck and walked up to the home surrounded by cactus plants and trees. It was almost as if the resident did not want anyone to find her. Knocking on the door, it was almost as if the inside of the home was empty. There was a loud echoing sound as if nothing existed inside. Maybe Jared got his sources mixed up. The kid had been partying a lot and recently started seeing this girl who seemed very controlling. If this lead proved to be wrong, he might have to put an end to that. He cannot have any fuck ups when it comes to making money.

Knocking again, he was about to leave as the blazing sun was quite overbearing, even in the shade. Slowly the door opened. Creaking on its hinges, the door sounded like the eerie sound of someone opening a coffin after it had been closed for centuries. Behind the russet door frame, a small woman with jet-black eyes and hair appeared. There was no emotion at all in this woman’s face. Wearing a heavy black shawl and a cotton skirt, Franky could not help but wonder if this woman realized where she was living. It is nearly over a hundred degrees or more.

“May I help you, young man? “The woman spoke in an almost hypnotic voice reminding him of a witch.

“Yes, ma’am. My name is Franky Johnson. I am the owner of Johnson Security. Do you have a few minutes to talk, ma’am? “Using his usual charm and pitch, the woman did not seem even remotely impressed. She stood there motionless and stared at him as if he were not there.

“Not interested young man. “About to close the door, Franky put his foot on the door. Not one to back down when it came to money, he knew this kind old lady would not shut the door on him. “I guess you do not understand I am not interested young man. “With one of her wrinkled hands, she pushed him out of the way and into the thick bushes behind her porch.

“Fucking bitch. “Furious, it was time for plan B.

The long-awaited time had finally come, and Freddy was ready for it. His back was sore from when the old hag pushed him, and his anger was still fueled to seek revenge. He decided this would be one break-in; he would remove his traveling salesman hat and become one of the crew. Traveling across the country for the past three years, generating enough income for them all to live comfortably, there was nothing worse than someone who denied taking the bait and was so violent. That did not sit well with Freddy at all. This bitch was about to find out what fucking with Freddy Johnson’s sales would cost.

“You losers ready? “Freddy asked, looking at the green digital clock on the passenger’s side. It clearly read 1:30 AM. This quiet neighborhood was so silent that no animal was stirring about.

“Yeah, boss. Are you sure you’re up for this, boss man? I mean, you never did this before. “Spike said, putting on his gray ski mask, his bulging arms tensing as he finagled the cover.

“Dude, don’t challenge me, ok? That bitch fucking almost broke my back, and she will get an extra roughing up. Remember, I used to box in the day. I can handle her. “Cracking his knuckles, giving that reassurance he had it covered.

“Well, just in case, I bought this if she gets extra feisty. “Cutter smirked, his dark features a scary thing on this late night as he held a butcher knife.

“Fucker, we are not killing anyone. Remember, that is not the plan. You got it.” Freddy roared, his voice tense enough to scare his two accomplices sitting back in their seats. “Leave that thing here, dude. “

Tossing it on the back coach where Spike and Cutter got done fucking some whore off the street. Freddy recalled that she was not a bad look, with her triple-D breasts and nicely built body. He had just let some frustration out and had fun with Barbie a few hours ago. He should be suitable for a few hours.

The trio slowly walked out of the van and up the dark street. The old woman’s house was just a few feet away. Just as suspected and according to the woman’s security system that Jared was able to hack, she was asleep. The inside of the home seemed darker than most other places they had been to. Something about this woman and her place prompted Freddy to just turn around, but his desire to teach her a lesson overcompensated for this feeling driving him to proceed up the back of her two-story home. Spike used his trusty, yellow-handled screwdriver to get in the rear window of the house. A spiraling elongated green plant stood right outside the window, its tangling branches acting as another barrier to the home’s inside, almost as if protecting anyone from getting in. Cutter used his penknife to cut the plant off the windows, its long branches quickly falling to the ground.

Putting his hand over his lips, Spike hopped through the window, motioning for Freddy to follow Cutter since he was a rookie. After this job, he might have to talk to these two and show them both a lesson. After all, this was his business, not theirs. Having trouble getting his ass through the window, he thought he would have to leave it to these two clowns for a moment. Still, then suddenly, he slid through and fell right on his ass on the marble kitchen floor.

The inside of this place was so weird. The darkness inside reminded Freddy of one of those haunted houses he visited as a kid. Oblong pictures were hanging off the wall, and the folks in them were the scariest thing he had ever seen. One showed a man with blistery red flesh and pointy horns coming out of his flesh. His eyes were dark red, as if they were filled with blood. For a brief second, Freddy thought the eyes moved. That was ridiculous though such things don’t happen in real life.

“What the fuck is that smell?” Spike asked. Suddenly they could all smell the scent of rotting flesh.

Somewhere in the darkness, a deep guttural growl resonated through the room. Freddy felt an arctic wind blow through him like something had flown past him. Whatever blew past him had a voice. It was inside his head now, telling him he should never have come inside. He is doomed and soon will pay the ultimate price for his sins.

“Guys, I think we should get out of here. “Freddy began to regret even coming to this place. This is one sale he was best leaving on the table.

“Dude, what is wrong with you? Are you a pussy or something?” Cutter whispered.

“No, I am not, but I know something is wrong here. I am telling you; I can feel it. “Freddy said.

“Fuck what was that! Fuck!! “Spike yelled repeatedly.

“What is it, dude?” Cutter asked.

Dead silence. Spike rammed into Cutter, his face missing half of his flesh. His eyeballs were hanging out, their bloody nerve endings dangling in the darkness. Rippling up the center of his chest, making a protruding mark along his blue shirt, the material suddenly looked wet. Spike wailed in pain as whatever was inside of him crawled up his chest and to his throat. The veins in his neck began to pop out as if a razor blade was being taken to them and cutting them out. Blood sprayed everywhere as the invisible being clawed out of Spike’s neck, exploding his flesh and skin around. Spike’s head popped off, and a loud pop like one you hear when opening a bottle of champagne resonated. Spike and all his guts and intestines were splattered all over the floor.

“Fuck we need to get out of here, Cutter. Something killed my brother. Let’s jet, bro. “The pit of Freddy’s stomach felt like it was stuck in an elevator going up and down at a steadfast pace.

“I told you, young man, I was not interested. Then you break into my castle and think you will leave here alive? “Standing before them was the old woman, her tar-colored eyes staring at Freddy as she parted her lips. The woman had teeth like that of some creature. They were razor sharp with drips of blood on them.

“Fuck dude, what the fuck!!! “Cutter yelled and tried to run for the window.

Cutter’s speed was no match for them as she flew before him. Undoing her black shawl, her stomach opened, leaving a big bloody gaping hole. A row of blade-type teeth circled the entire circumference. Cutler tried to stop. A long red tongue came out and lashed around Cutler’s neck. One pull and his whole head were cut off and rolled over in front of Freddy’s feet.

“Dude, look what you did to us. You are the stupid ass here. “Cutler’s lifeless head spoke to Freddy.

Running to the front door, hoping to unlock it and escape, Freddy could feel his heart hammering in his chest. Sweat streamed down him. He needed to take off this mask to breathe before passing out. The place did not even have air conditioning. It was stagnant and dry as a bone in here. Just as he reached the doorknob, something latched around his neck. Its thorny grippers tore into his flesh and twisted back and forth on his head. He could hear his ligaments tear apart under the immense pressure of the woman’s tongue. Trying to pull it off, he could hear her cackling in a sinister tone. His head popped off just as Cutler’s and Spike’s. He could see his entire world go black. The famous scam was over. In his last comprehensible moments, he wished he had gotten a regular job like his father did.

© Copyright 2023 W.P. Gerace (phoenixdude71 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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