Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2297386-Golden-Anniversary
Rated: E · Fiction · Music · #2297386
A widow receives a visit from her husband one that she will never forget.
"Golden Anniversary"
W. P. Gerace

Ellie woke up on this dreary May morning, starting her usual routine, not even thinking of the significance of this day until she flipped the radio on and the classics station, she had been listening to the past twenty-five years played Ella Fitzgerald's Love song "Love and Kisses." Suddenly the importance of this day returned to her in a vast wave of sentimental feelings. About to be 80 in a few short days, she had placed so much preparation on the special celebration her daughter Anna and son Stephen were preparing for her that she forgot about today, May 12th, and all it meant to her. How could she forget her one true love? Martin has been gone nearly a year after a long, tedious, painful battle with pancreatic cancer. His withdrawn, emaciated body finally succumbed to his illness a year before their special Anniversary. If he were alive today, it would have been their 50th Anniversary.

She recalled that warm late May Day when Martin walked into her school for the first time subbing for one of her colleagues who had gone on maternity leave. Martin was so handsome with his wavy blonde hair, steel blue eyes, and chiseled arms he obviously was a man that took excellent care of his body. Not only was he handsome, but he was also a true gentleman, undoubtedly different than the marriage she had with Alex Pierce, her ex, an abusive alcoholic who could barely hold a job and take care of himself or his family. Slowly their interest in each other started and blossomed like a rose bush for the first time.

A few weeks later, Martin and Ellie went out on their first date at this quiet little restaurant called Bobby's on Roosevelt Boulevard. They were already talking about the future together when the radio station played "Love and Kisses" and "I'll Chase The Blues Away," with Martin singing the words to her in his deep voice. Holding her hands and caressing them, he promised her that he would never hurt her and that he would always be there for her and the kids. He kept That promise until the good lord called him home last May.

Hearing that song again brought a flood of tears down her cheeks. Her emotions were in tune with the solemn weather outside. A dark streak of ominous clouds streamed above in the sky. Her flower bed on the front porch twirled violently against the harsh winds of the spring storm. Lightning streaked across the gray skyline, practically hitting her roof. The crack of thunder roared so loudly that every wall in her small home shook. Never a fan of spring and summer storms, this was one she hoped would end soon.

The music on the classical radio station became quite staticky. Every word was suddenly unclear. The crackle on the station reminded Ellie of someone popping one of those bubble wrap sheets that Stephen liked to play with when he was a kid. The sound irritated her then, and now that she was nearly double the age, it was too much to bear.

Closing the curtains that looked out to the patio, she could not stand the sadness of the scene outside. The onslaught of rain put her spirit in a deep melancholic state. She needed to see the sun. Walking over to the blue living room chair, the last gift from Martin to her for her 79th birthday last year, she decided to shut her eyes. Maybe the terror would pass. Ellie turned on her lamp on the oak table next to her. The darkness of the room was too much to bear. Suddenly the light flickered in response to the ongoing lightning strikes and thunder outside.
"Oh, my goodness. I wish this storm would pass. "Ellie sat back, closing her eyes.

"I'll chase the blues away. I'll laugh and sing all day. I've found my lover, someone who'll be true." Clear as a bell, it almost sounded like Martin's smooth, confident tone. How could that be? Ellie wondered. Martin had been gone nearly a year.

Trying to distract herself from the words did not work as they became louder and louder, almost as if he was right next to her.

Suddenly the feel of a warm, strong hand embraced her shaking ones. The thought of Martin returning from the dead to pay a visit was too much for Ellie to bear. She was afraid of death then and was more scared the older she got.

"Sweety. It is me. Your true love. It is your time, and I have come for you. The bluebirds in a tree. Will sing their song to me. For they'll discover I'm no longer blue. I've traveled far in search of someone like you. "His words were so clear, his warm breath kissing her trembling lips.

"Martin, is that really you? This can't be. Why are you here?" Ellie asked, knowing deep down why he was there but not ready to leave her place.

"Honey, it is time. I have come for you. For what you are is the dream that I've prayed would soon come true." Kissing her on the lips one final time, Ellie was finally ready. His presence gave her the courage to move on.

"Come, my love. We will be happy forever. No more tears. "Kissing her cheek, Ellie felt herself slowly leave her physical body, the roaring of the storm playing distantly in the background.

Finally, they would be together again. They would have the perfect Golden Anniversary. Ellie no longer had tears. She no longer felt sadness. She was at peace, finally.
© Copyright 2023 W.P. Gerace (phoenixdude71 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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