Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2307103-NaNoWriMo-assignment-25
Rated: ASR · Draft · Action/Adventure · #2307103
As stated above
Issue 1: Discovering healing abilities

A doctor sees an opportunity to win a Nobel Prize for 'discovering' teenagers who can heal others of their illnesses.
The teens fear the press learning of their ability and being hounded by everyone desperate for a 'miracle cure' or crackpots wanting to make a name for themselves.

Solution(s): Ciara Blair uses her contacts and dirt digging to expose the doctor's selfish initiative and motives. (see issue 4)
Chris' father cooks up a narrative that the teens are putting together a musical and that their 'story of the century' is really nothing to look at.

Issue 2: Sudden wealth

The teens fear what others would do for their new found wealth or what questions would be raised.
Teens wonder how such wealth will help them.

Solution: The wealth is quietly moved to the local bank where Max Blair gives his word of silence. The teens are cautioned not to speak of the wealth as it will only bring problems.

Issue 3: Heavy Responsibility:

The teens wonder how they could save the future of Earth and why they were chosen.
The teens wonder who would listen to them and what would make them listen.

Solution: The teens altered DNA has already changed history. Their musical, if successful will make people listen.

Issue 4: Student Rival

Ciara Blair is jealous of the attention Chris Terry was getting and tries to stop the musical before it gets off the ground.
The teens wonder how far Ciara would go due to her ego.

Ciara's father will not allow any scandal to threaten the massive wealth now moving through his bank; warns Ciara not to cause trouble with his newly wealthy clients. also, Ciara was also targeted along with her little brother. Once this comes to light, Ciara becomes an ally in their goal to make people listen.

Issue 5: Outside interference.

Oscar Damien, owner and CEO of Damien oil sees the musical as a threat and tries to shut it down before it catches national attention.

Solution: Catch him in the act of sabotage on film and expose his plan to stop the musical due to a fear of losing money.

Mentor: J. Smith, the student Councilor.

It will later be revealed that he was one of the creators of the time machine and that he has been watching over the other time travelers while waiting for his time to take action comes to light. He knows what the time travelers are trying to do and is impressed with the resourcefulness of the teens.

Literary Devices:

Repetitive Designation: Smith Industries. Seen again and again through the book. Later revealed how J. Smith built the other devices (revealed in book 2)

Symbolism: Small inventions the teens propose to small factories and oil companies that become huge for their businesses to grow.
Example: AAP- Artificial Accelerated Photosynthesis. This device takes the CO2 from the factories and changes it into oxygen and energy so the factory saves energy and throws oxygen instead of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Self-fulfilling prophecy: Oscar Damien tries to stop the musical from catching national attention only his failed attempts make the press more and more curious.

Plot Twist(s): Two of the youngest time travelers become part of the teenage group. Their parents did so to give them a chance at a better life than their current present. Ciara Blair, once a rival, becomes a strong ally.

Ticking Clock Scenario: The Earth will die if the teenagers fail (at least they are lead to believe)

Hook: The Earth is dying but they find a time machine (opens so many questions)
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