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by Yolo88
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2308318
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"Welcome to the world of Pokémon! I am the Pokémon Professor. Which one? Well you'll have to decide that one eventually. In this world, humans and Pokémon live as one in harmony! Pokémon battle with humans, live with humans, and maybe even some saucier stuff that I won't get into too much detail here. Either way, humans and Pokemon have never been closer before! This is where you come in. Bright, cheerful, energetic trainer! I can see you're finally ready to start your journey! I guess it took a while for you huh? Something about... I don't know, being dumb as a bag of bricks? Couldn't be. Regardless, let's get some things cleared away before you start your journey! What region will we be traveling to?

Unova? Right, my name is Juniper! Sorry, I forgot. Haha. So what about you then? From my understanding, there's been two major events that took place in Unova involving a certain Team Plasma. Which of these events did you want to follow?

The first one? Of course! I mean, I'm not even supposed to know what Team Plasma is yet. Totally new thing. Anyways, one final question that may or may not matter. What do you prefer? Shorts, or skirt?

Shorts? Obviously, look at those shorts on you basically begging to burst and snap! That's right, your name is Hilda. Your two friends are Cheren and Bianca. I'm sure you are already well-acquainted with them. A gift would soon arrive at your door! Welcome to the world of Pokemon!!!"

Hilda woke up in her bed groggily. She was still in her pajamas as she slowly rolled over. Hilda was about to become a new trainer going out on their journey. However, she was kinda held back a bit due to her... dimwittedness. Because of that, she started her journey rather late. It was actually her 19th birthday, what a day to start her adventure! Though, she first needed a Pokemon to have her adventure. In fact, there was a mysterious gift box left on her desk. Hilda couldn't hesitate. The bright blue packaging and green ribbon was WAY too enticing. She dashed to the box in a rush. Though, her foot quickly snagged on some of the excessive dirty laundry she had lying around. She was a bit messy... She was sent falling forward, her large curvy body putting a shadow over the present box. Hilda gasped to herself when she lands with a THUD. Dazed, she slowly began to stand up. She must've landed on her desk, catching herself on her chair. Though, the most obvious thing she noticed was that the box was completely flat now. Her gigantic boobs managed to flatten the whole thing. Whoops, hope there was nothing fragile in there. As Hilda was about to open it, there was suddenly a knocking downstairs. Crap, it was her friends. Carefully trying to unfold the package, Hilda was eventually able to squish it back into shape. Albeit... Very akwardly. It was obvious the package was crushed, though if anyone asks at least hopefully they won't know why. Right as she put on the finishing touch, she heard a familiar voice behind her.
"Hilda! Hiiiii!~" the iconic ditzy blonde spoke out from behind her. It was Bianca. We all know her, why even describe her. She quickly ran up to Hilda, swooping her into a giant hug.
"We're finally going to start our Pokemon adventures together! And it only took so many years late!" She exclaims. That's when she notices the package behind Hilda.
"Oh my Arceus! Is that from the professor?" She asks out loud, pushing Hilda out of the way before admiring the package. Somehow she never noticed the thing was crushed previously.
"Don't get too excited and squish the box now Bianca..." Cheren says, standing in the stairwell. Cheren was the "smart" one, but he was more like the kind of guy who regurgitates stuff he found on Reddit and acts all superior as a result.
"You know what happened last time you got excited like that..." He teases Bianca. Bianca pouts angrily.
"Yeah well, they should've tapped me or something!" She retaliates. The two continue to bicker and argue, forgetting about the box. It's left there, taunting Hilda, sitting there intensely.

Cheren and Bianca kept throwing words at each other. What were friends without some friendly bickering. However, Hilda was growing quickly impatient. She wanted to find out what was in that damn box. She quickly stormed between the two, putting her hands up on each other their chests before pushing them apart. Cheren only stepped back a few feet, but Bianca immediately lost her balance.
"Wahh!!" she shouts, before falling back with a very familiar crunch. Hilda and Cheren both looked on in surprise as Bianca sat there, trying to recover. Unbeknownst to her, her gigant butt was currently on top of the box, crushed exactly the same as it was before.
"Owie..." She sad, rubbing her rear. She slowly stands up, and the box naturally peels off her butt before bouncing off the floor. The top pops off, despite being 2D basically, and reveals inside 3 Pokeballs. Miraculously, despite being crushed under 2 heavy girls one after the other, the balls were still in (almost) pristine condition.
"These must be our Pokemon!" Bianca exclaimed excitedly.
"Well they were close to being all yours..." Cheren snickered to himself. Hilda felt like slapping him in the back of the head.
"Considering it's your birthday, you should choose first Hilda!" Bianca suggested. Cheren was a bit ticked at first, but didn't want to show it.
"S-Sure..." Cheren obliged. To Hilda though, it was a brilliant idea. Now... Just what to choose... Hilda grabs hold of one of the balls. The scent of a freshly cut lawn wafted from the ball. Probably meaning it's something like a grass type. That makes the most sense. Hilda steps back, and releases the Pokemon onto the bedroom floor.
"Snivy!" The small grass snake said. It was a Snivy, and it was her starter Pokemon!
"Oh my goodness what a cutie! In that case, let me have this one!" Bianca exclaimed, before reaching down and grabbing one ball at random. She tossed it, causing it to bounce around a bit before landing on Hilda's bed. It releases, revealing a small Oshawott on the bed.
"Osha!" it shouted. "Well not even letting us debate which one... Whatever, I wanted this one anyways." Cheren thought out loud, grabbing the last ball. He gently releases it, letting Tepig pop out.
"Tep tep!" it says, sitting on the desk in front of Cheren. Hilda kneels down to get a closer look at her Pokemon. Snivy smiled up at her, before performing an attempt at a cool pose. It appears that Snivy was trying to impress Hilda or something. Hilda simply giggled in response. The Pokemon was adorable! She began to think of a nickname to give the Pokemon. A couple ideas popped in her head. However, she settled on Squash! Hilda patted the head of her new Pokemon, before picking them up into her arms. She holds the Snivy against her sizeable breasts. As she stands up, she turns to face her friends. Bianca was playing with Oshawott on the bed, and Cheren was there feeding his Tepig some treats he had on hand.
"Say, how about we all battle? Seeing as we all just received our starters!" Bianca exclaimed, having been on her hands and knees on the bed. She quickly gave way, falling to the bed.
"I bet my Oshawott can beat your Snivy!" She taunts.
"Well stay there like that and Snivy probably already won..." Cheren remarked. Bianca looked at him in confusion, before looking down to see her Oshawott struggling for air under her gigantic boobs.
"Whoopsies!" She exclaimed, before sitting up off of Oshawott. The Pokemon began panting for air, winded after the intense smothering. Hilda can't help but wonder what she ends up doing to the Pokemon she catches.
"But yeah! Let's battle!" Bianca returns to her energetic attitude.
"I'll just sit back and challenge the winner. I'm sure Tepig here would be able to handle either." Cheren says, sitting back towards the desk. Hilda pointed her finger back at Bianca, indicating that she was taking on her request for a battle. Bianca cheered a bit, before grabbing hold of Oshawott suddenly.

"Go! Splats!" She cheers, throwing the Pokemon into the air, before it lands on the ground flat on its face with a moist plap. Hilda winced a little seeing the Pokemon fall, before she gently set Squash down for battle. Snivy got ready as Oshawott slowly stood up. Squash stared down Splats, who only shivered a little in fear at the intense gaze.
"Splats, use your Tackle!" Bianca commanded, still sitting on Hilda's bed. Splats nods and charges forward at Squash. Squash was too caught up in its leering, that it was hit directly by the Oshawott's tackle. Squash was knocked back into a big pile of Hilda's dirty laundry. Splats began to flex and pose for Bianca, who was bouncing on the bed while squeeing. Squash, however, slowly rose out of the laundry. Hilda's panties were drapped across its head. It quickly shook them off before leaping out of the laundry, ready for another order. Almost like if Squash could read their trainer’s mind, the Snivy began to run forward at an alarming pace before colliding hard with the distracted Oshawott. Splats was flung back hard, smacking against the wall behind it before flopping down on the bed below next to Bianca.
“Oh boo.” She pouts, poking her Pokémon to see if it’s ready. Evidently not, it was quite fainted.
“Well that’s that. I guess it’s time to show how you’re supposed to do it.” Cheren remarks before motioning for his Tepig to step out in front of him. The firey pig leaped down, blowing smoke out of its nostrils as an act of intimidation. Snivy looked back up to Hilda, before she looked back to it with a determined smile. Two long vines suddenly sprouted from behind Squash’s arms. He must have levelled up after defeating Oshawott, and learned a new move! The two long vines started whipping a storm, whacking the Tepig. Tepig recoiled from the lashing, stepping back a little. It finally broke through the assault, charging towards Squash. Squash was unable to react in time before it was tackled, and tackled hard. He tumbled backwards from the strong hit, finding it hard to keep standing. With an understanding nod, Squash looked to their trainer before turning back to Tepig. He quickly dashed forward again. Tepig attempted to dodge the attack but was knocked back. It collided a houseplant, causing it to get knocked over. Enraged, Tepig quickly began running after Squash, who only just ran away out of fear.
“Wait, stop! That’s not how you battle!” Cheren shouts. The two Pokémon began tearing up the room as they gave chase and fought each other. Furniture was getting knocked over, posters were getting torn, clothes flying around every which way. Bianca was sitting there on the bed, clutching Oshawott’s fainted body hard as she silently screamed from the two hyperactive Pokemon. Hilda immediately set her sights on Cheren. Clearly it was his fault that his Pokemon went out of control like that. Without much hesitation, Hilda lunged at Cheren. He was far too distracted watching the Pokemon chase each other around the room that he never noticed Hilda tackling him. The pair fell onto the bed, right against Bianca who simply screamed in surprise. It was a big brawl of biting, slapping, and even a bit of squashing. In fact, Tepig and Snivy stopped their own battle and simply just sat down to watch the chaos unfold. Hilda's mother slowly climbed up the steps to check on everybody.

"Is everything good up her-oh my!" She gasped, seeing the 3 trainers brawl on the bed. They immediately stopped everything and turned their attention to Hilda's mom. Hilda was planted right on top of Cheren, her giant butt on top of his head as he struggled underneath her for air. Bianca, meanwhile, was too dazed from getting caught up in the crossfire. She was lying across on top of Cheren's legs, almost fainted herself. Splats, meanwhile, found itself stuck underneath their trainer's massive breasts yet again.
"I see you all are getting attached to your Pokemon!" Hilda's mom simply remarks, giggling at the trio. She never really paid them much heed for their tussle. Hilda quickly climbed off Cheren's face, who took in a few deep breaths after. Bianca slowly began to come to, getting up with Oshawott's head stuck between her boobs.
"I think we should probably get going to Juniper's lab. She did say she wanted to see us after we recieve the gift..." Cheren remarked, trying to defuse the situation a bit. He quickly plucked his Tepig up off the floor and ran back down the stairs.
"Ugh... Yeah he's right..." Bianca responded. She did a curteous bow and skipped down the stairs, her poor Pokemon's head still stuck.
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