Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/949739-X-MEN-Spawn-of-Apocalypse
Rated: · Campfire Creative · Appendix · Action/Adventure · #949739
Wat if Apocalypse had a son? Wat if he was a mutant?
When Apocalypse was finally destroyed by Professor Xavier and the remnants of powerful phycis, he unknowingly released a portion of his power to earth...

It has been over 20 years since Apocalypse and the Phenix. The Xavier Institute remains very unchanged, home to the new generation of mutants.
Most of the orinal X-Men have grown old and have retierd, but some still stay teaching the young.



Name:Eli Bishope
Sex: male
Age 17

Appearance: 6'1" around 230 ilbs. Eli is light skinned with brown twists that go ear length. He has a small tatto on his neck of an X. He wears a black leather trench and black militia fatigue.

Mutant Power: Absorb/project energy, possesses various telepathic talents, including the ability to read minds and influence the thoughts of others,can assume a diamond-hard, nearly indestructible form and can move extremly fast in this form.

Personality:Eli is a short tempered person and just like his father does not like mutant descrimination. He can be a kind hearted, but took wolverine as a role model and can get very angry.

History: Eli was raised in the Xavier institue all of his life. He was raised as an a orphin only know who is paremts legacys were. His father Lucas Bishope and mother Emma Frost. He was born after Bishope saved Xavier and returned to his time. During his years at the institute Eli could not use his mutant powers and was often made fun off. He was destined for great potential but didnt have the courage to step to it. He was scared. At the age of 13 he ran away and waas never seen again. During this time his powers began to develope and overwhlemed him. He was more powerful than any previous mutant. He became a mutant bounty hunter at 16 and he had become quit found of his mutant powers while working for the government.

NAME: Kai baku.
ALIAS: Angeless
AGE: 17
MUTANT POWERS: He can release energy jets from his hands. Some minor
telekintetic powers. His powers grow in strength when he is angry or stressed.

PERSONALITY: He's abit of a loner and likes to do things on his own. Is always
seeking perfection in his skills. Generaly cold towards people and says things
like 'Whatever'. Doesn't like people in his personal space.

BIO(HISTORY): Ever sinse he came to the academy he has isloated himself so he
can avoide talking to anyone. He is hyper aware of everything around himself
meaning he can feel things close to him. Despises people being near him because
he likes to be left alone. He has come to control the energy's flowing through
his body. He uses alot of easten teniques to help him control his powers. While
he may seem uncaring he will go out of his way to protect.

APPEARENCE: He has pure black eyes. Short black scruffy hair with white
high-lights. four black streaks on his cheeks*2 on either side*. A pair of
baggy black trousers with a black belt. A tight white sleevless top under a
unbuttoned black shirt. A really long white scarf wrapped around his shoulders
that flows out behind him. A pair of slim silver gauntlets that have segmented
sections for his fingers.

OTHER: He is an excelent martial arts fighter and has used his abilitys to
enhance his fighting skills. Everything about him screams 'leave me alone and
don't talk to me.'

Name: Drake Hunter
Alias: Boom
Age: 15
Powers: Is able to release concentrated sound blasts from his hands.

Personality: With a quick temper but a ready wit, this guy is always ready with
a comeback. He tends to goof off a bit but if you hurt a friend of his prepare
for a world of pain. Doesn't make friends easily but when he does he puts his
absolute faith in them.

Bio: His powers appeared at an early age, causing havoc when he lost control.
Before long he was labeled as a freak by his friends and neighbors, with few
friends left he began to retreat into himself, has had trouble making friends
ever since. At 14 his powers began to rapidly become stronger than they had
ever been before. No longer able to control them he was admitted to the xavier
institute to learn the control he so badly needed.

Appearence: Black hair smoothed down into a ponytail. Eyes are a deep green and
his frame is reminiscent of Nightcrawler's. He prefers to wear a trenchcoat at
all times.

NAME Cleo Mirdock
AGE 16
MUTANT POWERS Shapeshifter can change into anything down to the DNA level. She
has to have seen at least a picture of it before.
PERSONALITY friendly flirtacious fun mischievious competitive
BIO(HISTORY)Her father kicked her out of the house when she had finally
mastered her powers enough to look identical to her mother so she could get out
of being grounded. So she considers her self an orphan. Shes been using her
ability to get herself through all her troubles she has brought amongst her
APPEARENCE She has long black hair its never been cut and it curlz into
ringletts she has Dark Blue eyes she is 5'4" and is very fit and slightly curvy
her skin is slightly tan.

"How dare you come here and try to stop me!Your nothing but a pet young Bishop!" Sinister yelled out.

"Ive come for your bounty Sinster thats all..." Eli grinned with his arms folded.

"Ive heard many things about you young one..." He smiled, " But you forget who I am, im not one of these street mutants!!"

"Pays good" Eli smiled back unwhiping his Desert Eagle and pumping two shells into Sinister.
The shells blew two massive holes straight through him with his greenish blood splattered everywhere.

"You like? .50 Calibur alaways does the job."

"Fool! It'll take more than that to kill me!"

Sinister began a horrifying laughter as his wounds slowly regenerated itslef.

"Now die!!!"

Before Eli could blast his pistol Sinister appeared on his side and smashed his fist into his jaw snapping it in two. Eli recoiled back nearly falling over from the blow, as hard as Sinister hit he recovered quite quickly by repositioning his jaw back in place.

"Damn that hurt." He muttered spitting out some blood.

Kai was sat in the gardens of the mansion. He was sitting cross-leged with his right hand raised with his middle and index fingers out. His left hand was balled up into a fist. He looked as if he was asleep. A light blue energy was crackling along his fingers and his eyes snapped open. His perception had dilated and he saw guns, a boy around his own age and a explosion of some sort. His vision returned to normal and he breethed in deeply. He knew the hunter would be coming here soon.

"Buster cannon "he shouted as a pulse of energy ran along his fingers and shot out hitting the fountain.

It blew up and water came spraying down all over the place. He wasn't going to let the hunter take more than one step into the mansion.

"Who'll be the real Hunter I wonder? Me or him? "sighed Kai heading up to his room to change.
"Just what are your powers anyway bishop" Sinister luaghed histerically.

"Soon..." Eli smirked.

He threw off his coat, revealing dozens of scars and the X on his neck. A bluish aroa surrounded his body, it was his transformation.His skin began to turn a silvery dark blue metallic alloy. His eyes configured to and unhuman gray and black aswell as his hair.

"Now well have some fun..." Sinister liquidfied into the ground.

"Sure,but ill end this quick..." Eli said confidently "You may have been a advirsary to those other infiriors before me, but its over for you!!!!"

Sinister appeard directly behind Eli grabing him in a grip lock. Eli did not even flinch. Sinister still was amused by this, he thought he had him right where he wanted him. A moment had past and Eli's Body completly disintigrated as if it was not there at all.

"What!!" He yelled out astonished.

"Stupid fool, im too fast..."

"But.. how i had you in my arms!!"


Before Sinister could turn around, a large blast of energy blew into him, crashing him towards the wall.

"Too easy"

After the smoke and ash clear, Sinister or what was left of him was laid out on the floor barley moving.

"How....?" He could hardly make out his words.

"Dont ask, O yea im not gonna let you do that lil regen trick you got.."

Eli raised his hand pointed at the living corpse.

"Ha," Sinister tryed speaking spiting out his blood. "He has returned, even stronger, even with out me he will kill you all!!!"


"You know his name..."

A serge of memerories went through Eli's head, but he could not believe it.

"Die you bastard..." He obliterated sinisters body.
Kai changed out of his casual day clothes and into his standard attire. He looped his scarf so it wouldn't come off and buckled up his belt. Grabbing his guantlets he slipped them on. Clipping the catches shut he flexed his fingers.

"Much better....I can't stand having to wear normal peoples clothes....they don't have enough freedom to move in....constrains my actions...makes me sloppy "he sighed as he sat down on his bed.

He sneezed and the door blew off its hinges and the walls cracked. He wipped his nose and stood up.

"Not again... "he sighed seeing he'd recked his room.

He was getting tired of having to fix his room up everytime he had nightmares even sneezing resulted in him nearly destroying his room. He concentrated and pulled the room back together. His door had been broken so many times he was considering just having a curtain ther instead.

"Hey....thaught you were back...sneeze again huh? "asked a girl he didn't really mind.

"Hey Cleo....So did I miss much in class "he asked knowing he had.

He avoided class as much as he could.

"Yes....Proffesor Logan was going balistic...he cut another blackboard in half "laughed Cleo.

"Well...everyone knows I do my own thing....no offence...but I can't stand people being anywhere near me "he sighed.
"oh I see how it is I just wont be people then." Cleo said.

She quickly shifted into a duplicate of Kai in his outfit. She casualy walked across the room and sat next to him.

"So you going to any classes today? Or is the door in danger?" Cleo as Kai said.

"Thats just creepy and when I said no offence. I ment no offence." Kai replied.

People don't like seeing them selves. Cleo shruged and was Cleo again.

"Well if your not comeing I will leave you to your tasks." Cleo got up relizing she had over steped her bounds sitting right next to Kai.

Cleo made her way to the door and stopped to give Kai a warm smile and to see if he was going to come with or sit there all day.
"You know...I guess I should go to atleast one class this simester... "he sighed standing up.

tucking a bit of his hair behind his ear he followed her out of the room. He waved his hand out behind himself and his door lept up and sat snuggly into the frame.

"Turning over a new leaf...you really coming to class volintarily...you mean I don't have to fake being to just to keep you out of detention "she asked?

"I was wondering how I've been making it onto the register all year...thanks...but no body can play me like me "he smiled briefly before he realised were this was going.

"I still don't understand you...you complain about being unconfortable around people...but the cloaths you wear are- "she smiled.

"I'm not changing the way I dress...And I don't complain about being around all people...I like a few select people "he smiled holding a ball of energy in his hands.

They walked into class talking and he snuffed out the ballwith a wave of his hand.

"Ah mister Baku...I was wondering when we would be graced with your pressence again "smiled professor Storm.

"I felt that here was somewhere I needed to be "he smiled in a benevolent way.

© Copyright 2005 darkboy, AngelinTwilight, Gremlin, (known as GROUP).
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/949739-X-MEN-Spawn-of-Apocalypse