Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/981596-If--Only--It-WereThat-Simple
Rated: E · Poetry · Family · #981596
A Poetic story about what it feels like to be a single parent.


E C Wesch

Each day seems like the day before,
It's hectic, crazy, such a chore.
Rise and shine, take a hot shower,
The drive to work, takes an hour.
Suffer all the aches and pains, earned from a hard days work.
Yet still I have so much to do, things I cannot shirk.
Standing by the kitchen stove, cooking the family meal,
Knowing that nobody cares, exactly how I feel.
Now all I really want to do, is get some well earned sleep,
And try to ease the blisters, on my throbbing feet.

If only, it were that simple.*Worry*

Clear the table, do the dishes, start a laundry load,
Sweep the floor, vacuum the rugs, keep in my working mode.
Fold the clothes, put them away,
Call the children in from play.
Run the water for their bath,
Watch them giggle, hear them laugh.
Wash their hair, towel dry,
Untangle curls, hear them cry.
Stories read, Then put to bed.
Glad it's now the end of day,
"Calgon take me away."

If only, it were that simple.*Worry*

"Mommy, can I have a drink?
I'll get it myself from the bathroom sink."
"No you can't, you'll wet the bed,
I'll give you ice, to lick instead."
"Please do not, shut out the light,
I'm terrified, of the dark, at night."
The TV's blaring out the news, tomorrow it will rain.
I try to chase away the blues, instead I feel the pain.
My body can predict the weather, although I don't know how.
Each joint is stiff and hurts to move, two Advil I need now.

If only, it were that simple.*Worry*

A restless leg wakes me up, I don't know what to do.
I rise, and pace across the floor, trip over a children's shoe.
Stub my toe, and almost fall,
To save myself, I grab the wall.
Next time I'll turn on the light,
Try not to give myself a fright.
I pray the Sandman pays a visit,
and puts me to sleep within a minute.

If only, it were that simple.*Worry*

I toss the covers, get out of bed,
Shake the cobwebs from my head.
Walk to my special place, where peaceful silence sets the tone
With sewing machine, HP computer, and not one single telephone.
I sit down in my swivel chair, that fits my form just right.
Think about what I must do, to get me through this night.
Soon my monitor comes alive,
I pray this night I do survive.

If only, it were that simple.*Worry*

I write about what's happened, to me since yesterday morn.
The pain I felt, the tears I've shed, and why I feel forlorn.
I write about my hopes and dreams, think how will I survive.
Searching for the reasons, I need to stay alive.
Don't misunderstand me, I love my family more,
Just wish being a working mom, wasn't such a chore.
Nothing ever seems to go, the way that I had planned.
I think it's time for me to ask, for a helping hand.

If only, it were that simple.*Worry*

I try to salvage what I can, of everything I wrote.
Before my dial-up service, treats me like a joke.
So many times its kicked me off, and lost what I had penned.
Damn you dial-up service, don't do this to me again.
A yawn escapes, I can't resist the urge to go to bed.
I realize a curtain's drawn, upon my nodding head.
I close my eyes, shut out the light, that breaks upon the morn.
And rest just like a baby, in it's natal form.

If only, it were that simple.*Worry*

The kids rush in, "Wake up Mommy! Don't be a sleepy head.
It's time for you to feed us, get up get out of bed."
I check my watch, it's 6 A.M.
That's when I say out loud, "Oh God, no! Not...again!"
Faster than a speeding bullet, I jump right out of bed.
Feed my little darlings, bacon, eggs and bread. (NOT)

You really didn't think I had it in me did you?

If only, it were that simple.*Worry*

"Please give Mommy, a few more minutes,
My sleep, I really need to finish.
I had a truly horrible night,
Please go now, turn out the light."
"OK Mommy, we can wait,
Don't sleep too long, it's getting late."
"Thank you please, now go and play,
I'll see you later in the day."
Six little feet run down the hall,
Their giggles echoing off the wall.
I close my eyes and start to dream,
Of riches, happiness, and chocolate ice cream.

If only, it were that simple.*Worry*

A silence falls upon the scene,
Wakes me from my pleasant dream.
I quickly scan my empty room, and wonder where they are.
They're only 7, 4, and 3, and couldn't have gone far.
I race to see who I can find, I search in every room.
My panic makes me shout and scream, my heart feels like a tomb.
Horrid images cross my mind, each rips my heart in two.
Without my babies close to me, oh God what shall I do?
The waxen image that's now my face, disfigured by the tears.
Seemed to add on decades, to my thirty years.
I stumble into the kitchen, reach shakily for the phone,
See the mess upon the floor, as I stare like a mindless drone.
I dial three horrid numbers, in my panicked state,
Tap my fingers on the wall, while I stand and wait.
If only I could wish them here, with me safe and sound,
I'd be the happiest Mother, there ever was around.

If only, it were that simple.*Cry*

A sudden chill runs down my spine, I sense I'm not alone.
My hands are all a tremble, as I yell into the phone.
"Help me, please! There's no one here, I'm sure they have been taken.
I've searched in each and every room, they're missing, of that I'm certain."
"Who is missing?" I hear someone say, "We don't understand."
"My children, you idiot. That is who. Hurry, lend me a hand."

If only it were that simple.*Worry*

I feel a tug upon my robe, my heart it skips a beat,
As multiple hands grab me, and knocks me off my feet.
I land into a slippery pool, spreading languidly o'er the floor,
Hear the crunch of cereal, over by the door.
With eyes shut tight,
Keeping out the sight,
I'm to terrified to see,
Exactly what these strangers, might want to do to me.
I wish it were still yesterday, with my children at my side,
Instead of here upon the floor, wishing I could hide.

If only it were that simple.*Cry*

I hear what seems a muffled laugh, and strain my ears to listen.
What could have made that strange new sound,
As I shake here in the kitchen.
A silent whisper, a shushing sound,
Then a gale of laughter all around.
I slowly open up one eye,
Spy three terrorist rushing by.
They pile upon me one by one,
Giggling loudly, "Oh Mommy this was fun."
Glistening tears fall from my eyes,
As they hand to me their big surprise.
Breakfast in bed, done on their own,
Served on the floor, by the telephone.
Giggles and laughter all around,
Hugs and kisses do abound.
The beat of my heart, does slowly lessen,
And I have learned one great big lesson.
Forget about what life might throw you,
Enjoy your life, and those who know you.

It truly is, that simple.*Smile*

145 lines
© Copyright 2005 super sleuth (babchia7 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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