Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/999055-A-Bit-About-Sweetie
Rated: E · Interview · Animal · #999055
Getting to know my pet parrot, Sweetie
A survey to get to know my pet amazon a little better.

A photograph of my pet amazon parrot

What is your name?
Sweetie Bateman

What is your DOB?
How should i know? I'm a bird. (My mom has to find my birth certificate.) I think it's April 8, 2001.

What kind of bird are you?
Double Yellow Headed Amazon

Favorite thing to say?
Every morning, when my family is preparing to leave, I tell them, “Bye-bye, Got to go to work. I love you.”

What type of nut do you prefer to eat?
Toss up between a peanut and almond.

How old where you when you came to live with your flock?
I was a little over a year old. Maybe close to two years old.

Do you sleep with covers? In a happy hut?
Neither. I sleep on my perch. At night when my family turns out the lights in the den, I quietly whisper, “Nite-nite”

Name your all-time fav activity.
Hanging upside down. I must have been a bat in a previous life.{I also love chewing up cardboard. My family loves to put the paper towel cylinder rolls in my cage.

Who is your favorite person in your flock?
Mom. *Heart* Definitely my mom.

What scares you the most?
Sudden movements. Plus, I hate large objects.

How do you spend most of your free time?
Hanging upside down. Chatting and singing "Tied to the Whipping Post" by the Allmond Brothers..."Good Lord I feel like I'm dying." Oh wait. Isn't it the Allman Brothers?

Are you the messiest bird in the flock?
Absolutely NOT! That would be Laney. Hehehe

If you had your choice, when would you bite another family member?
NEVER. Well, okay, I bite often. But I mean it in a good way.

What music do you like? Any DVD in particular?
Pearl Jam. Eddie Vettar so totally rocks. I love the live at the Garden concert. My dad plays it every time he lifts weights.

If you could visit any room in the house, where would you go?
Any where my Mom goes.

A memorable night?
When my mom's nephew Aubry came to visit. Okay, so it was more than one night. But he loves me. I got to sit by him every meal he ate. "Mom...when is Aubry coming down to visit me?"

A special visitor?
Colleen! She is soooo pretty. I also love my aunt chi chi. she really can sing.

Can you whistle?
um, no. I can’t

What sounds do you like to mimic?
I don’t do sounds. I talk.
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