Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1000004-Donavans-Point-of-View
Rated: E · Interview · Animal · #1000004
A satire of interview answers from my pet parrot.
Donavan arrived in our home during December of 1999. We found him on the bottom of his cage on 10-1-2006. He will be missed, especially by Annabell.

a pic of my gold capped conure.

What is your name?
Donavan Bateman

What is your DOB?
I’m not sure. I’ve had lots of different owners and even lived in a pet shop for awhile. People say I must be around ten years old.

What kind of bird are you?
A gold capped conure.

Favorite thing to say?
‘Step up.” It’s bird talk for “Hey you, come over here and pick me up.”

What type of nut do you prefer to eat?
Sunflower seeds are my favorite, but they won’t let me eat them because sunflower seeds make me pluck my feathers. I’ll eat peanuts or almonds.

How old where you when you came to live w your flock?
I’m really not sure, I was at least three.

Do you sleep with covers? In a happy hut?
No happy hut. I sleep on my perch, which is located just under my bell. I love wearing my bell like it was my hat. Also, I feel more secure with covers draped over my cage at night.

Name your all-time fav activity.
Biting my Dad. Well, I love holding on the side of my cage and flapping my feathers really fast. It clears my loose feathers.

Who is your favorite person in your flock?
My Mom. I love my *Heart* Mom.

What scares you the most?
The vacuum cleaner, a broom, and strangers visiting my cage.

How do you spend most of your free time?
I pull my feathers out a lot when I’m nervous. Walking around my cage. And eating apples.

Are you the messiest bird in the flock?
NO! the grays are much more messy.

If you had your choice, when would you bite another family member?
Every chance I get.

What music do you like? Any DVD in particular?
Anything upbeat. Anything my Mom likes.

If you could visit any room in the house, where would you go?
I am fine out of my cage in the den. But I’ll walk around to find my mom if you leave me out for very long.

A special visitor?
My mom’s identical twin sister. She is the only non-flock member I like.

Can you whistle?

What sounds do you like to mimic?
A screeching bird.
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