Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/114986-Writing-a-Novel-in-Five-Days-While-Traveling-The-Tricks-and-Techniques-of-Writing-Fiction-While-Away-From-Home-WMG-Writers-Guides
ID #114986
Amazon's Price: $ 4.99
Product Rating:
  Author's Writing Style:
  Length of Book:
  Overall Quality:
Summary of this Book...
This book is like a journal of the author's experience writing a nearly 40K page novel in five days while traveling. He wrote this nonfiction book at the same time as he wrote the novel too (the nonfiction book as a series of blog posts). He leads a very different lifestyle than I do, yet I found him interesting and personable.
This type of Book is good for...
Writers /authors /other interested people who want some insight into what makes such a prolific writer tick and people who like writing, gambling, or trips to Las Vegas.
I especially liked...
I guess I just like the author. This is my second book that I've read by him this month. Both are short, easy reads that I enjoyed. He's very real and authentic.
I didn't like...
His rant against lazy modern authors.
When I finished n/a this Book I wanted to...
After reading his last book (which I also reviewed here recently), I checked out his teachable course library. If money were no object, I would definitely be doing one of his challenges (he has three, year-long challenges; one for novels, one for novellas and one for short stories). I still want to do that. But I think I'll go a more affordable route and read another one of his books. He's getting me very excited for NaNoWriMo this year. *Smile*
This Book made me feel...
Like I could start writing shorter fiction books and enjoy the process (I had been writing to market (the Harlequin type, aiming for 85K per book), not liked the second halves of my book, and not publishing... but if I cut my books in half, I think I'd love them and be more likely to publish them).
I recommend this Book because...
It was a quick, enjoyable and interesting read.
I don't recommend this Book because...
It doesn't actually tell you how to write a book or give writing craft tips. It's more about the mindset and time management concepts necessary to do what he does, along with a fun journal to read.
Further Comments...
I bought this book personally. I read it in one sitting today, with a cat happily napping beside me.
Created Aug 28, 2023 at 6:46pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/114986-Writing-a-Novel-in-Five-Days-While-Traveling-The-Tricks-and-Techniques-of-Writing-Fiction-While-Away-From-Home-WMG-Writers-Guides