Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/115163-Heavy-Rain---Greatest-Hits
ID #115163
Product Type: Video Games
Reviewer: KingsSideCastle
Review Rated: 18+
Amazon's Price: Price N/A
Product Rating:
  Story Plot:
  Fun Rating:
  Length of Video Game:
  Overall Quality:
Summary of this Video Game...
This is a murder mystery game where you take on the role of multiple characters as they attempt to solve the mystery of the Origami Killer... A Serial Killer known for kidnapping children and drowning them over several days during periods of rain.

You play different segments of the game from the following perspectives:

Ethan Mars - A father whose child was kidnapped by the Origami Killer. He received a note from the killer requiring him to complete a series of tasks in order to save his son.

Scott Shelby - A private detective who has been looking into the murders for an a awhile.

Madison Paige - A journalist investigating the murders.

Norman Jayden - A FBI investigator attempting to track down the killer while also dealing with a drug addiction.
This type of Video Game is good for...
Mystery and thriller fans / Gamers
I especially liked...
It was fun taking on the role of multiple characters. The story is intense and the mystery was dramatic and exciting.

I won't give away how the storyline played out but it was really intense trying to make sure all the characters were able to make it through the end of the game
When I finished playing this Video Game I wanted to...
The game had multiple ending and I was happy to replay it see what I missed
This Video Game made me feel...
Like a detective.
The creator of this Video Game...
Quantic Dreams / David Cage
I recommend this Video Game because...
It was a very exciting game. Dramatic with a lot of twists and turns.
Further Comments...
The fact that the player had so much control over the outcome really made this game exciting and tense. You really felt a sense of urgency as you rushed to complete the story in time to save Ethan's son.
Created Feb 17, 2024 at 10:26pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/115163-Heavy-Rain---Greatest-Hits