Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/115174-Resident-Evil-2---PlayStation-4
ID #115174
Product Type: Video Games
Reviewer: KingsSideCastle
Review Rated: 18+
Amazon's Price: Price N/A
Product Rating:
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  Overall Quality:
Summary of this Video Game...
This is a remake of a classic Playstation 2 Survival Horror game.

A Viral outbreak has broken out of a Surburban town called Raccoon City infecting its residents. You play as two characters trapped in the city during the outbreak attempting to survive:

Leon Kennedy - a rookie police officer. It is first day on the job.

Claire Redfield: the sister of one of the original heroes from the first Resident Evil games. She came to the
This type of Video Game is good for...
Horror and Action fans.
I especially liked...
The graphics in this game are very intense. The story is also pretty exciting. This game is a rush to play through and will have your heart beating fast as you attempt to make it out of Racoon City alive.
I didn't like...
The controls of this remake seem a little clunkier and less responsive than I remember in Resident Evil but this may be by design as the shakiness adds to the horror experience.
When I finished playing this Video Game I wanted to...
While I did feel like a badass being able to complete it, the ending is a little too simple for me. I would have like a better cut scene and more storyline as a reward for making it the through the game.

The game has a lot replayability as there are 2 characters and 4 scenarios to complete though. There are also some bonus missions available once you complete the game. I was left with a lot more today.
This Video Game made me feel...
Like I was reliving my early gaming days on the Playstation. It a horror game so there was moments of fear and adrenaline rushes
The creator of this Video Game...
I recommend this Video Game because...
It is intense and exciting and will have your heart beating incredibly quick as you attempt to survive this game.
Further Comments...
This was a great, exciting and heart pounding game that I really enjoyed.
Created Feb 20, 2024 at 4:58pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/115174-Resident-Evil-2---PlayStation-4