Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/115245-The-Return-Star-Trek
ASIN: 067152609X
ID #115245
The Return (Star Trek)   (Rated: 13+)
Product Type: Book
Reviewer: KingsSideCastle
Review Rated: 13+
Amazon's Price: $ 5.98
Product Rating:
  Story Plot:
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Summary of this Book...
This Book takes place in the aftermath of Star Trek Generations where Kirk was apparently killed off. In the Aftermath of Kirk's death the Romulans and the Borg wind up working together. Using their technology they revive Captain Kirk and brainwash him to fight against the Federation of Planets.
This type of Book is good for...
Star Trek / Captain Kirk fans. Science Fiction fans.
I especially liked...
It has a good action / sci fi storyline and Borg always make are a great Star Trek enemy. Plus it revives the classic Star Trek Captain James Tiberius Kirk
When I finished reading this Book I wanted to...
Rewatch classic Star Trek, TNG, and Deep Space 9 episodes.
This Book made me feel...
Happy *Bigsmile*
The author of this Book...
William Shatner aka Captain Kirk himself and Garfield Reeves Stevens
I recommend this Book because...
It features the return of Captain Kirk and it is written William Shatner. You really can't get more awesome than that.
Further Comments...
I was never a fan of the decision to kill off Captain Kirk. So it was really cool that

The storyline is compelling and the Borg make for an exciting Star Trek Villains plus the Romulans create an exciting double threat to this storyline

For those who doubt that William Shatner could write, he has released his own Sci Fi series called Tek War prior to this so he is not new to writing. Plus he had co-authors as well.
Created Mar 01, 2024 at 11:49pm • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/115245-The-Return-Star-Trek