Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/a.nonymous
May 26 1995
Far Too Small Town, America
About Me
I'm not sure whether I'm trying to hard to be the person I'm not or not trying hard enough to be the person I am. As soon as I find out, I'll let you know.
Type of Writer
I guess I haven't decided that yet.
Writing Style
I'm...experimenting at the moment.
(Writing? Obviously.) Music, literature, and art. I'm a bit of a creative stereotype.
Website / Homepage
My Blog
Favorite Link
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Favorite Genres
I try not to limit myself to genres. Good writing can come in any form.
Favorite Books
Mercy, by Jodi Picoult. It's the only book that's ever truly made me cry.
Favorite Authors
I do worship the ground that Jodi Picoult walks on. I can't help it.
Favorite Poets
I like the anonymous poets that write their verses in unexpected places. That's when poetry really comes from the heart, because they have no criticism to fear.
Favorite Quote
"Hell is other people." (Jean-Paul Sartre.)
Favorite Music
I do tend to limit myself to the odd-alternative, rock, indie. I try not to, though. A good song is still brilliant whether it's got heavy bass, a ukelele, or a fiddle.
Favorite Movies
Last Days. It's brilliant.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/a.nonymous