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August 31 1985
About Me
Macklin, you son of a bitch...
Type of Writer
I only write when I'm inspired so I am constantly seeking inspiration and so I try to read often.
Writing Style
Uh, I try to write things out in as little words as possible. I'm sure I could still improve there. I'm not big on details.
As many things as possible.
Website / Homepage
My Blog
Group Memberships
Novel Workshop Group
Favorite Genres
WESTERN, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Drama, Suspense/Thriller, Crime, Horror. Favorite to write in? Almost always Speculative Fiction.
Favorite Books
There are quite a few.
Favorite Authors
Chuck Palahniuk, Richard Wright, Stephen King, Ernest Hemingway, C.S. Lewis, Patrick DeWitt, the late Elmore Leonard, more.
Favorite Poets
I only like Robert Frost when it comes to poetry, but I could spend more time delving into it and probably find other favorites. But don't ask me to read your poetry. I might pretend to know something about it and screw you up.
Favorite Quote
"What is this?! A center for ants?!" - Derek Zoolander
Favorite Music
I only dislike Ska and Mariachi. Anything else I enjoy and I bounce back and forth a lot. The only music I consistently like comes from the 70's and 80's. I would say I was born in the wrong generation if not for video games.
Favorite Movies
Legends of the Fall (more of a guilty pleasure), Troy, Just Friends, She's The Man, The Conjuring II, It Follows, Limitless, Inception, The Dark Knight, The Empire Strikes Back, Aliens, Constantine, Donnie Darko
Favorite Shows
Parks and Recreation, Dexter, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, The Office, Daredevil, Even Stevens, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Luther (BBC), Sherlock (BBC), Samurai Champloo, Most of the first season of Sword Art Online.
    Rated: 18+ · Western · #2117616
    Years ago, man found himself on an abandoned world covered in ruins and old tech. Western.
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