Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/cinnamonfringe
May 23 1982
currently Indiana
About Me
Much needed update: Currently a full-time Purdue University graduate student in Technology Leadership & Innovation... still writing on the side for extra cash.
Type of Writer
Excels at non-fiction and academic. Prefers creative writing- particularly free verse poetry.
Writing Style
Whatever a piece requires.
Horror movies, science fiction books, reading poetry.
My Blog
Group Memberships
The Newbie Research Center  (E)
Gathering information to improve the experiences of people new to WDC.
#1994566 by Cinn
Pursue the Horizon - Open for Signups  (13+)
30-Day Poetry Blogging Challenge - Begins March 1
#2076114 by Cinn
Poetry Readings  (E)
Hear WDC poets read their poems aloud
#2076004 by Elle - on hiatus
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#1230753 by Not Available.
RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group  (E)
RAOK (Random Acts Of Kindness) helps members by Upgrading them.
#398524 by Writing.Com Support
30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS  (13+)
WDC's Longest Running Blog Competition - Hiatus
#1786069 by Fivesixer
Dew Drop Inn  (18+)
April poem-a-day poetry spot!
#1370829 by Katya the Poet
Favorite Genres
Favorites: Horror and science fiction              Least Favorites: Romance and fantasy
Favorite Books
The Other by Thomas Tryon; In Watermelon Sugar by Richard Brautigan; The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester; We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson. Excerpts: "Burning Books & Bester Books, "Favorite Book Characters.
Favorite Authors
Alfred Bester, Shirley Jackson, Robert R. McCammon, John Saul, Alan Dean Foster, Ambrose Bierce...
Favorite Poets
I can't very well list all of the poets I love. I've been an avid poetry reader since I was 13 years old. Feel free to check out some recommended poems in "Mines of Rich Matter. My current obsession: Tony Hoagland
Favorite Quote
"There had not been this many words sounded in our house for a long time, and it was going to take a while to clean them out." ~Merricat Blackwood, We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
Favorite Music
Many people say that their musical interests are extremely diverse-- but mine truly are. For example, "2015 Playlist. Also, I have a particular fondness for Phil Ochs. You can listen to and read about tons of his music here: "On the Fringe
Favorite Movies
Impossible to choose favorites really. Let's stick to the movies I've seen the most times: The Sleepaway Camp TRILOGY (the new one does not count), Natural Born Killers, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Big Lebowski.
Favorite Shows
Tales from the Crypt, The Twilight Zone (original), Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Tales from the Dark Side, Punky Brewster (just because)
A group for those dedicated to writing and reviewing speculative fiction.
Rated: 13+
8 Members
Reviewing, Sci-fi, Fantasy
Type: Group
Updated 10 months ago
30-Day Poetry Blogging Challenge - Begins March 1
Rated: 13+
2,276 Posts
Activity, Writing, Writing.Com
Type: Activity
Updated 4 years ago
Gathering information to improve the experiences of people new to WDC.
Rated: E
86 Posts
Activity, Other
Type: Activity
Updated 5 months ago
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/cinnamonfringe