Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/epiphany09
October 4 1981
Stirling, Scotland
About Me
So much to say. I am a Mum to two kids, two dogs and a gecko. I work full time and write in my spare time. I am still mourning the loss of Terry Pratchett and Granny Weatherwax and just can't get my head around no more Discworld - I grew up reading these books. The end of an era.
Type of Writer
Fiction - Horror, Fantasy, Supernatural mainly.
Writing Style
Still finding that
Website / Homepage
I don't have one
My Blog
I don't have one of these either, bored me.
Group Memberships
None of these, I'm not a huggy groupy person
Favorite Genres
Horror (Stephen King made me want to be a writer), fantasy (Terry Brooks & Terry Pratchett are Gods of writing) and urban
Favorite Books
Discworld Series, Shanarra Series. Sherrilyn Kenyon Styxx and Acheron. The Room (Emma Donoghue) Extinction Point Series (Paul Antony Jones) The Long Walk & Rage (Richard Bachman aka Stephen King)
Favorite Authors
Stephen King, Terry Pratchett, Terry Brooks, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dean Koontz,
Favorite Shows
Supernatural, Grimm, Orange is the new black, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, The Originals, The 100, The Big Bang Theory
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/epiphany09