Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/figment
August 2 1978
Indianapolis, IN
About Me
I've been writing for a lot of my life in the deep, shadowed corners of obscurity. Writing has been a tool for me to use like some strange sort of cathartic ritual of cleansing this chainsaw brain of mine. I've decided recently to put a lot of time into cultivating and sharing it with others. I have a tendency towards dark fiction and fantasy and truly hope that you will find some enjoyment in my work. I deeply appreciate any reviews that you take the time to do!
Type of Writer
We're all mad here...
Writing Style
You tell me.
250 characters could not possibly hope to give you a snapshot of my interests. I'm regularly interested in any simple distraction and/or shiny object.
Favorite Link
The one from Legend of Zelda.
Favorite Genres
Horror, Fantasy, Dark Humor
Favorite Books
Favorite Authors
Webster (he has a heck of a dictionary).
Favorite Poets
Jim Morrison, Tom Waits, Dylan Thomas, John Milton, Dante Aligheri, Edgar Allen Poe, Lord Byron, Jim Carroll, blah blah blah
Favorite Quote
Tucker: Oh hidy ho officer, we've had a doozy of a day. There we were minding our own business, just doing chores around the house, when kids started killing themselves all over my property. (Tucker & Dale vs. Evil)
Favorite Music
Tom Waits--(best music to write horror to- PERIOD), Jimi Hendrix, Pearl Jam, Bouncing Souls, Smashing Pumpkins, Black Angels, Silversun Pickups, The Sword, Wu Tang, George Clinton, E.S.Posthumus, Monster Magnet, Clutch, Eagles of Death Metal-For now.
Favorite Movies
When I try to summarize them in my brain, I get that same sound that dial-up modems used to make. There are way too many.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/figment