Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/gffrontera
October 28 1959
Brooklyn, New York
About Me
Just an ordinary man living an ordinary life who thinks he has extraordinary ideas that need to be put on paper. Like Sisyphus, I struggle to find the success I feel destine to accomplish. Would be nice to one day go to a party or similar gathering and meet unexpectedly, by sheer chance, someone who has read what you have written and has found value in it and understood what you were trying to say.
Type of Writer
One trying to be productive while sitting at a keyboard and bleeding from the forehead.
Writing Style
Character driven stories anyone can relate to and appreciate.
Golf, baseball, numismatics, fishing, hunting, camping, mysticism, Freemasonry, the Rosicrucians, Tarot, Kabbala, Toastmasters.
Favorite Genres
Detective, Western, Horror/Supernatural
Favorite Books
The Greatest Salesman in the World, Think and Grow Rich, The Old Man and the Sea, The Bible, Frankenstein, Dracula, Great Expectations just to name a few.
Favorite Authors
Ernest Hemingway, Sherwood Anderson, John Steinbeck, Charles Dickens, Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, Margaret Craven, Og Mandino, Napoleon Hill just to name a few.
Favorite Poets
Walt Whitman, Arthur Rimbaud, Robert Frost, William Blake
Favorite Quote
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation, and go to the grave with the song still in them.
Favorite Music
'60 and '70 rock&roll, folk, classic country, classical, opera, New Age
Favorite Movies
Way too many to list here. Suffice it say anything Film Noir, any movie directed by Kazan, Hitchcock, Wilder, Cuckor, Fellini, Capra, Ford, Hawks. Turner Classic Movies is my default TV station.
Favorite Shows
Today's television is a vast wasteland and have not found anything very appealing or worth investing my leisure time in.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/gffrontera