Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/jedoud
March 11 1967
New York
About Me
Writer, Farmer, Husband, Student of Life's long Journey into night.
Type of Writer
The kind of writer that writes because I am compelled to tell stories.
Writing Style
Not really sure I should be the judge of this, I'm sure there are as many opinions about style as there are people.
Life and Love, and everything that is encompassed in such terms, and nothing really specific. Oh wait you mean, like favorite movies and shit, well nope just try to experience life as it comes in all its color and textures.
Favorite Genres
The one I am reading at the moment.
Favorite Books
Somehow I knew this was going to come up, well here is some classic samples, but nothing that is written in stone, Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Stranger in a Strange Land, Walden, Grapes of Wrath, and too many more to list.
Favorite Authors
Damn Legion and their list... Hemingway, Brecht, Williams, Poe, O'Neil, Fitzpatrick, Tolkien, Lewis, Clement, Byron, Dickens, and so many more it would be tireless trial to even begin to sort them all out.
Favorite Poets
Really, does anyone actually like poets, well the truth is, the only good poet is a dead poet, or at least to the publishing world. Just pick one, I have probably read it once at least, unless it is recent that is.
Favorite Quote
“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?” as good as any other.
Favorite Music
Favorite Movies
Hollywood makes me seasick, so I avoid it, at least since the late 70's. No really, I watch whatever is on the TV, by that I mean computer, I do not pay for the awful theater experience that as a kid was cool, now just sickens me.
Favorite Shows
These list are relentless, so people actually sit around and think about such things. I do not really watch TV enough, but I like stuff sometimes, and most times I do not like the noise the thing makes when it is plugged in.
    Rated: 13+ · Other · #2216852
    Work I am working on now, only marginally relevant to anything current.
    Rated: E · Contest Entry · #2076489
    For daily flash 22716
    Rated: ASR · None · #2029569
    An excerpt of a short story I am writing currently
    Rated: E · None · #2029008
    Just a little love poem
    Rated: E · Animal · #2028716
    From: Dog Poetry, a little puppy poem
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/jedoud