Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/larsenrmm79
February 7 1979
Currently, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
About Me
I have PTSD. This is a big part of me and parts of my personal journey seem to make its way into my writing. I'm also a recovering addict. The addiction wasn't entirely by choice, but it happened and I'm coping. My husband is a great support and comfort. He quiets my night terrors and has rescued me from my previous life. I will be legally changing my name and will hope to be published under my chosen name. My name speaks of my heritage whereas my birth name speaks only of horrors remembered.
Type of Writer
I tend to stick to the fantasy genre. I had a serial under my birth name on Facebook before the horrors of my life were clear
I read. I crochet. I write. I play video games and board games. I hope to become the artist I've always wanted to be.
Favorite Genres
Fantasy, Sci-fi, Mystery, Horror, Supernatural thriller, Paranormal thrillers
Favorite Books
The dark elf series, the Cleric Quintet, the Harry Potter series, the Wheel of Time series, The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings, To Kill a Mockingbird.
Favorite Authors
R.A. Salvatore, JK Rowling, J.R.R. Tolkien, Robert Jordan
Favorite Poets
Robert Frost and it depends on the poem for most others.
Favorite Music
Metal, largely and folk.
Favorite Movies
Still figuring that out; most were my favourites during my darkness became less enjoyable.
Favorite Shows
Same as above
    Rated: E · Experience · #2191519
    A struggle to maintain dignity in the face of lies
    Rated: E · Fantasy · #2191434
    A beginning to a story I had hoped to have published
    Rated: E · Experience · #2190653
    Two lovers, separated by lifetimes, meet once more on this side of the veil as promised.
    Rated: 13+ · Experience · #2187235
    Experience I've lived through
    Rated: E · Experience · #2186341
    My personal experience with those who don't try to understand.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/larsenrmm79