Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/lostbydreams
August 28 1993
About Me
Hey all! I'm Layle Skyles(yes i am going by my pen name) and i really enjoy writing. I've been writing since i was in 7th grade and am now in 11th. Things got rough around here and i started to drift away and haven't wrote unless it was for class. I hope to get back into the rhythm of it all and provide some entertainment for you all :) I love critic as long as its not over the top and mean sorry. So I will hopefully post some of my old stuff along with new ^_^ Leave me things?
Type of Writer
Poetry, Short Story, Fanfiction
Writing Style
free verse and others
Music, Jesus :), movies, books
Favorite Genres
Fantasy, Drama, Romance, Mythical
Favorite Books
Twilight Series; Vampire Academy Series; Beastly; Generation Dead; The Black Dagger Brotherhood Series; The Immortals Series; Immortal Instuments Series; House of Night Series;
Favorite Authors
Stephanie Meyer; Rachel Mead; Alex Flinn; J.R. Ward; Alyson Noel
Favorite Poets
Robert Frost
Favorite Quote
"I wish my dreams were my reality and my reality were my dreams"- Me
Favorite Music
Anything really
Favorite Movies
12 Rounds; Sex and the City; Any cartoon movie really(im a kid on the inside);Twilight Series; X-Men Series;
    Rated: E · Biographical · #1846441
    Wrote this in class..how I feel..
    Rated: E · Emotional · #1764366
    Another poem written when i was in the 7th grade
    Rated: E · Emotional · #1764365
    a poem i wrote in the 7th grade about my ex boyfriend
    Rated: E · Other · #1732952
    I wrote this in like 10 minutes so please critic i know its probably not the best
    Rated: E · Emotional · #1731062
    Poem by Layla Skyles
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/lostbydreams