Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/lu-man
May 19 1981
Planet Earth
About Me
I'm a writer who enjoys thriller, horror, fantasy and furry stories, as well as combining and mixing the genre's together to create a stew of all kinds of chunky goodness for your reading and listening pleasure. You can listen to many of my stories on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGQ45wqczrfGCK7-I...
Type of Writer
Short story, audiobook and drama, novel, poetry, just about anything that catches my attention, really.
Writing Style
Horror, thriller, scifi and furry have been my favorite areas to dabble in.
When I'm not writing or reading: Camera guy for Krazy Karl Projects: (https://www.youtube.com/c/KrazyKarlProjects) I also play retro video games and listen to rock music.
Website / Homepage
Group Memberships
Don't have one yet, though I'm open to joining things.
Favorite Genres
Horror, scifi, thriller, suspense, furry
Favorite Books
The Stand by Stephen King, The Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz, Reaper's Lottery by Gre7g Luterman, Sacrifice by Will Jordan
Favorite Authors
Ones you've probably heard of: Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Will Jordan Ones you probably Haven't: Vixyy Fox Gre7g Luterman
Favorite Quote
"Writer's write. It's what we do." - Vixxy Fox
Favorite Music
Rock music. A lot old, some new. Metallica, Areosmith, The Struts, Queen, Psychostick to name a few.
Favorite Movies
Man from Nowhere (If you like foreign action films, do yourself a favor and watch that one!), Bill and Ted, to name a couple.
Favorite Shows
Right now? Old Top Gear episodes. Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond are hillarious. Also: Grimm, and that's about it. I don't watch much TV.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/lu-man