Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/shatteredonix
February 25 2000
About Me
Hey! I'm just another registered author here on Writing.com, and am glad to have found this place. I've written short stories and full novels since I was old enough to write, and immersing myself in a place other then our own world is the best feeling I can get. I love venturing off into far-off territories or past events. Unfortunately, the only real accomplishment I've ever received while writing is that one of my works have been published into a section of a book. Not my OWN novel, sadly...
Type of Writer
Slightly slower-paced, imaginative, writer that enjoys coming up with completely bizzare, original ideas. I hate copying!
Writing Style
Thoughtful, sometimes too thoughtful. I can take from a day to three years to even finish something...
Video games, reading, writing, badminton, roleplaying, chess, learning new things, coming up with new ideas, learning new things...oh wait, I already said that one. I REALLY love learning new things.
Group Memberships
I'm part of quite a few roleplaying communities. The only thing nearly as cool as writing my own novels is roleplaying!
Favorite Genres
Fantasy, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Modern, Crime, Mystery
Favorite Books
The CHERUB series by Robert Muchamore; Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen; The Original Nancy Drew series.
Favorite Authors
Robert Muchamore Robert Muchamore Robert Muchamore ...oh, and also Eric Walter.
Favorite Poets
Sarah Kay; Sulli Breaks.
Favorite Quote
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results" -Albert Einstein
Favorite Music
None. I'm not a huge fan of music. My favorite music usually comes from video game soundtracks and anime soundtracks.
Favorite Movies
Also none. I really, REALLY don't watch movies that often. Although, if I had to list one, I'd say Wreck-it Ralph, since it reminded me of some of the games I played on my dad's old Gameboy and SNES.
Favorite Shows
Doctor Who; Bokurano (an anime that also contains my favorite song ever); Dragon Ball Z.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/shatteredonix