Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/superclaireful
April 28 1995
About Me
My name is Elaijah Claireese but you can call me Claire. I'm 16 years old and I love reading books. Sometimes when I watch a movie or listened to a song or read a fantastic book, I can't help but open a notebook and write all my ideas down for a future story :) So far I've written 5 scripts for a classroom play, directed 2 plays. I write essays but only for home works and exams and maybe, just maybe writing could be a career I can pursue.
Type of Writer
I write short stories, poems and scripts.
Writing Style
I'm not sure yet :D
I want to become a Lawyer. I read books rather than going out. I watch movies daily and I download music a lot. I enjoy playing Tennis, Volleyball and Chess.
Website / Homepage
None :)
My Blog
Favorite Genres
Fictions, chick lit, fantasy and horror.
Favorite Books
Les Miserables, Noli Me Tanghere, harry Potter, the Last Song, Da Vinci code, The Notebook, Carrie, The stars shine down, me and Darcy,
Favorite Authors
I adore the works of Dan Brown, Stephen King, Sophie Kinsella, Sidney Sheldon, J.K. Rowling, Alexandra potter, Nicholas Sparks.
Favorite Poets
Robert Frost :)
Favorite Quote
Failure is inevitable. It is a part of life and this is how God points us to the right direction.
Favorite Music
A lot! hahaha! from Avril Lavigne to Lady Gaga to Panic at the Disco,the Script, Adele, Taylor Swift!
Favorite Movies
Friends with benefits, Something Borrowed, Bad teacher, Easy A, Finding Bliss, 500 days of summer, 3 idiots, inception, Lawful citizen, P.S. I love you.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/biography/superclaireful