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Rated: 13+ · Book · Opinion · #1227752
I am finding my stride and living life in a world filled with chaos and change.
This is a new sig, gifted to me from Kiya a party gift! from the Summer Potluck Party!

And here's my Simpsonized picture...Just for fun, I've been Simpsonized!

and my daughter, Baba. Isn't she cute? An image of my daughter as a character from the Simpsons

Actually, I need to upload the whole family, just for the heck of it sometime. Then, I'll always have them right here with me. *Smile*

This journal forced itself into being because I loathe, no, I mean, I love to write. It is a struggle to state what I am thinking inside so a daily blog is just what I need. Not because I want to, I must. My thoughts are begging to be heard before they are lost in the caverns of my mind.

This is one of my new sigs. Transported to the days on on the Nile...delicious!

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January 21, 2023 at 7:27pm
January 21, 2023 at 7:27pm

Today started pretty simple, very much the same as it usually does. But I woke with thoughts. Positive thoughts. It's a good feeling when this is the case for the start of a Saturday morning.

I had an idea. I shared it with my husband. He thought is was GREAT! It will change many things in our life but change them for the better.

We've got a focus. We had a goal. We will move forward.
January 25, 2022 at 6:53pm
January 25, 2022 at 6:53pm

Wow, wow, WOW!!!!!

Everything is about to change and it is strange, and excting and bittersweet and AMAZING!!!!

I don't have much time to post what is happening but I just want to document that this YEAR, 2022 is starting off unlike ANY year from my past, bar none!

I'm so excited to see it and feel the changes, Yaaayhooo!!! I'll be back to post more hopefully tomorrow, if I find the time that is! lol
January 9, 2022 at 1:46am
January 9, 2022 at 1:46am
Well, I am not as talkative today but I still wanted to thank you for the well wishes for my 18th WDC anniversary on the 8th of January. It's really crazy to see this many years pass and know that things are really changing for the better.

I'm feeling hopeful for future changes...can't wait to talk about them here.

January 8, 2022 at 12:51am
January 8, 2022 at 12:51am
Boy! This is strange. I wrote in my blog on the 8th of Dec. I barely jotted anything in but I wanted to write in my blog because I thought I should.

Then, 30 days pass, and I decide to write in my blog but on my 18th WDC anniversary. I had forgotten the exact day, it has been 18 years and many pals are no longer here. This does make me a bit sad, and remind me that I am a bit older, but for some reason, I am still here.

I am still here struggling with my writing. I decided last year, that I should help with the newsletters. This has been a good experience and has turned out less frightening than I thought it would be. I thought that maybe I should USE this space that I've had ever since they've opened up the first blog space; I never did make it consistent until after I had that crossing the Rubicon experience last year that has changed so much of my thinking. It has made things, that I thought were much more challenging, appear not so frightening as I believed.

You see that I use the word (frightening) quite a bit. I've lived afraid of things that shouldn't have scared me for too long, and lost too much time. So, here on my 18th WDC anniversary, I am stating that I am going to do that things that scare me, take on the challenges out there.

Two weeks ago I listed services for a painting contractor. I knew of painting from living with a painter for over 25 years but I knew little of it. I got a hit for a job where I took the job to paint a storage closet wall and ceiling, but when I got to the worksite, the client changed the work, and pointed to his 10 foot tall bedroom space and wanted me to paint that first, cutting in the edges. I was terrified but stepped bravely into the job. Long story short, the wall job was cut short for my showing more experience (from somewhere) in grouting bathroom marble. The man saw I had a "knack" for the grouting work and I took to it immediately and worked into the night. By 9:30, he kindly thanked me, wrote a check for more than I thought, and sent me on my way. Did I think that I would grout someone's expensive bathroom marble in a quarter million dollar home on my first job? NO way! But I did.

This year, I've already started investing in BitCoin and ETH crypto currency and I'm working on a license to be a notary signing agent in Indiana, and January has just gotten started.

I'm so excited for what this year is going to unfold with an early January start like this!

I'm happy to still be here on WDC and glad that they haven't kicked me off the site. It's been a great place to learn and grow...and so much more is in store for 2022!
December 8, 2021 at 9:04pm
December 8, 2021 at 9:04pm
Well, not that this is a surprise...I'm not feeling all that great this day and I really need to get better by the weekend. Why, you ask? Well, I'm visiting with a friend who I've not seen for over 5 years ago!

It always seems like when I am trying to do the thing that I would find most pleasant, though, not that many pleasant things have occurred lately, sickness creeps in. Uggh! Boy, am I tired!

Sorry for the short rant but I wanted to say something today. I hope that tomorrow, should I still be here, might be better and more enjoyable.

December 5, 2021 at 10:03pm
December 5, 2021 at 10:03pm
Today, I'm planning on the future. I've been bargaining with the present me for the chance at something I'm pursuing coming to pass.

I sure do hope so though.

Really short entry tonight but hopefully I'll have more tomorrow.

December 2, 2021 at 8:39pm
December 2, 2021 at 8:39pm
Today, gonna start something new in my life. Looking at beginning a small business with my spouse involving house painting, interior and some dry wall repair.
This feels so WILD to me because I NEVER saw myself doing anything else but maybe investigating safety infractions or something similar but not this. It's not far fetched just not what I thought life had in store for me.

I need to get some items typed up and file with the town recorder, as well as the local bond company to insure any clients will feel safe while we work in their home.

I'm glad that I am typing on my blog again today; this is again, a weird thing that I'm starting to feel quite comfortable doing.

Well, better turn. Till tomorrow. Thanks for reading...

December 1, 2021 at 10:39pm
December 1, 2021 at 10:39pm
Well, today I woke thinking how grateful I am for "getting" another day here. Life is a fragile thing; it is not to be taken for granted that you will have the next day.

I have really been made aware of this with the three losses in our family in the past two years. That shaved off quite a bit of the family, which makes one feel more vulnerable. I was always in this state but for some reason, it never occurred to me that today might be it. So, I need to do more while I can, be more while I can move as well, experience the life that I know is out there with no regrets that I reached for it with all that I had in me!

With this in mind, I started doing more, trying more things and even if I might need to play the fool while I am learning, it is better than sitting dreaming of things that I am not trying to actually obtain.

I think of my Father. It makes me sad that he never got the BEST cheesesteak sandwich from a small shop in Merrillville IN, my sister and brother, never left the state once they moved to IN more than 30 years before. My husband and I try to leave every year, it is a healthy thing to do and what FUN we have when we do.

It is better to try and fail while trying than to not try at all.
November 25, 2021 at 12:48am
November 25, 2021 at 12:48am

This is so weird that I find myself making an entry in this blog, the blog that I've ran from with all of my being, not sure why I did but the last time I wrote in this blog, I'd lost my family members on Thanksgiving and was still reeling from this loss.

Thanksgiving in 2021 finds me and my family, well, my immediate family doing things unlike what I'd done in the past. Things are changing; it feels fantastic, really good.

Started listening to some positive instructive ideas from one of the greatest minds this world has ever seen, what a GREAT time to be alive, to hear this type of talk from Dr Jordan Petersen, who is a clinical psychologist and deep thinker whose book, "The 12 Rules for Life", was a life and mind reorganizer for both myself and my husband. My husband doesn't listen just to anyone and so much that Dr Peterson has stated, once implemented, has changed things in our lives.
I'm thinking different, I'm finding that tasks that I thought I couldn't manage, I'm addressing directly and seeing them work out smoothly.

Well, I'm not sure what else to say now but I will say Happy Thanksgiving to you, if you stop by and read my blog. ♥

December 24, 2019 at 7:36am
December 24, 2019 at 7:36am
I thought I posted this a few days after Thanksgiving but I see that I didn't :(

Thanksgiving morning will never be the same for me, for many of us who saw our siblings dead on the hospital morgue slab. I'm still having trouble believing that they are GONE...never will they bug me or call me or say I love you Lyn again.

Well, until we see one another again beyond the blue, that is.

I posted that horrible experience in my blog and it is GONE!!!! :( What they heck???? I was trying to document the emotion of that mnorning and now I got to go back there again to post this on Christmas???? Ugh!!!

But I will..,..just not this morning. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much to get done now.


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