Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/2011paperback
Please follow an 18+ rating.*
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 Journy to the Center of My Mind  [ASR]
Join a 18-year-old as she discovers that she can read people's thoughts.
I've just edited an item in my portfolio:
 First Chapter  [E]
This is part of the first chapter in a book that I'm writing. I will add more later
Write a new update...
Need help from my fellow writers. Will some add to my interactive story? Just add one entry, please.
Please help a young writer in need!!! Would like to upgrade but don't have money to pay and it will be a long time to get GP's to use.
Love BREAKER IS BUISY. You are so kind, Breaker. Thank you for signing my guest book and voting on my poll.
Does anyone have any ideas to earn more GP's?
How do you get to the scroll?
Did you check out the Auto-Reward area to find items to review for GPs? I don't have anything there currently, but I always post new stories with a few GPs as do many other writers. Just be sure to review honestly and politely.

Reviewing is the best answer to that question. *Smile* Do it and you'll see. *BigSmile*
Wrote a poll for people to vote on.
Wrote an Interactive story a while ago and it was going well. Now no one will add to the chapters.
Wrote a poem and had someone cry happy tears because of it.
I just read your bio, and I hope you do get published. I also just dropped in to say "Congradulations" on becoming an I.N.K.E.D. veteran.
Congratulations on becoming an I.N.K.E.D Veteran!

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/2011paperback