Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/alf352
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I've added a new item to my portfolio:
 A Longship Tale  (E)
On long voyages Vikings told lies to pas the time
Welcome Graphic
Your story sounds intriguing!
Great job posting your first portfolio item!
Welcome to WdC! (Sorry my welcome isn't as cool as buddhangela's trying it all on's. lol)

I really liked your story! *Delight* The ending gave me a chuckle. Is it true that Vikings used to tell lies on long voyages?

I only have 2 suggestions. 1. Put a space between the paragraphs like I did here to give the eyes a place to rest. 2. Put a definition for "flyte." Maybe it's just me, but I'm not 100% sure what it means. I tried to look it up and got 3 different definitions, none of which were what I thought it might mean. *Think* You could just put a few extra spaces at the bottom between the story and the definition and maybe an asterisk to note that it's not part of the story. You can also highlight the definition, the click the rainbow colored bar along the top of the box (when you are in edit mode) and then click the light gray color and it will turn the words light gray (when you save the item) so it separates them.

Anyway, great job! I really enjoyed your story!

* Maybe something like this for the definition?
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/notebook/alf352